His father must be very proud
His father must be very proud
Monnarez has been penning some bad, truly insanely BAD, columns for a while now. He’s trying real hard to take the late Drew Sharp’s throne as the Free Press’ prime crap-spitter in Detroit but he just comes off as trying way too damn hard.
Not that Destiny has been able to pull of the most compelling stories in the world but...just narratively it was extremely underwhelming.
Man but that Right Hand of Doom seems to randomly become a Left Hand and it’s really bugging me.
this all looks very cool and good but I I’m too distracted counting how many re-used assets from FunCom’s Age of Conan MMO showed up in the trailer.
So much of this was on the Lions putrid defense. No pressure on his throws and he had receivers in the middle of the field with no one even trying to cover them.
Ottawa baby!
If there is a just and loving God this move will mean Clay Travis will be without a job in this new regime.
This game is gonna be a great exercise motivator. I almost didn’t go for my jog today on account of heat and humidity but heading out to the park and catching a Venonat and Eevee made it all the worthwhile.
Lot of the reason a lot of Detroit reporters won’t attribute Moss has to deal with how unreliable he is, regardless of his massive chode status.
God. Some of Steph’s shots last night were infuriatingly bad. Like you’d watch him take those kind of shots during the season and they’d be fun because they could go in! But watching him last night just heave shot after shot that has NO CHANCE IN THE WORLD like some sweaty white dude at the YMCA just got to me. He was…
The whole of the 2013 Iron Bowl was fantastic. Auburn hung tough with Alabama, withstood a 21 point quarter from the Tide (and a 99 yard touchdown pass!) and came back to tie it late with an improbable touchdown, setting up for one of the greatest plays ever. Watching Alabama’s war machine topple like that brought me…
It’s not even an industry award, which makes it better! It’s just a nomination he’s citing.
I voted Rovell anyway. In the grand scheme of things Schilling’s crap is just generic alt-right memes. You can find that on any Facebook feed.
A lot of the IGN review is also accurate. Rowan wrote a very fair review. I’ve been playing the hell out of Stellaris and love it, but his criticisms are very valid and there’s more than a few that I echo when it comes to the failings of the game at present.
How much of a slimy, pathetic goblin does Clay Travis have to be to be at Fox Sports 1 longer than either of these turdchomps and he doesn’t get a spot on the billing?
Same. I really respect what they’ve done, the atmosphere and the fans and everything, and I’m hoping to go to a few DCFC matches this summer. But I also really want to have a team that I can reliably watch on television when I’m traveling, as I do with the Pistons and Tigers.
NPSL, which is like 4th tier or something I think. They draw an unbelievable crowd all things considered and just raised around $750k on a Gofundme for a new stadium.
Now now, let’s not be so hasty to discredit all the other goblin shit farmers that work down the hall from Colin. Jason Whitlock and Clay Travis are just as competent at douchery.