What happened to the Green Grand Prix?! I beat my record by some...54.83 MPG :)
What happened to the Green Grand Prix?! I beat my record by some...54.83 MPG :)
Why is there a GM valet mode on an FCA?
I expect to see an FF long before I see an Elio.
Ah, so no actual article. Thanks for a description of the video, I guess...
That’s what you think...until your autonomous car takes you to another voting district! MWAHAHAHA!!! I joke because that’s my only argument. Honestly, the Japanese way is the smarter way for the people. But when I compare our general processes to theirs...no way. Take Katrina. USG paid $48 an hour to a company for…
So, what is Ford? Lol, their performance line is only growing (lumping the Fusion Sport in here), and they seem to be doing alright. I would argue they (Mazda) are sportier from the get go, but they’d bring in a lot of people to see the Speed3 vs a Focus ST. And when that guy realizes he can’t get the ST or Speed,…
Until you say you disagree with your governor, and your 18 minute commute takes you through 18 counties.
Using the MDT and driving...
Other then a MR Corvette, I agree. Although their current Escalade looks like OLD GM, not really fitting the elegance of the rest of the line. Sitting in one in Detroit, I couldn’t believe THAT was a Cadillac, after seeing the rest of the line up.
I’d be more worried about the “new cow smell."
I don’t want the v word posted on shit, and I don’t say the v word, other than when people say “doesn’t that mean vegan?” And I explain the negative connection to it. But the fact is, more than half of our green house gasses each year are caused by factory farming. I cut meat at several butcher’s shops, and love zoos…
I’d be embarrassed to say I had anything to do with this list. Other than “those idiots wouldn’t listen to a thing I said."
Well that’s much better than rollers, and not too far off in the motion of energy needed to do what I thought those were from the GIF. Probably still wouldn’t last in Ohio...3-5 inches of snow tonight. It’s fucking April.
Lol, no kidding! I think the smarter thing to do is build systems to reduce drag, and incorporate electric harvesting into it- but this just a joke. Like some people mentioned, this would work well at stop signs and areas where people need to slow down (off ramps, speed changes, school zones, so on). My point was,…
Or as those things are pushed down, the slight movement works like a piston (up and down VS rolling) to do it. That way it isn’t hurting the other cars, yet still making energy. I only saw the GIF, and am not suggesting it, just saying that it doesn’t appear to be rollers.
I used to LOVE chryslers myself, 2000-2004, but as a half of my family started buying them (and the corresponding issues), and learning about cars and the industry, I resent their dynamic looks and some of the interesting things they do when combined with the rest of their “features."
Umm. Where’s the article? Lol, there’s nothing here!
The joke was that this was a smart idea, but that it doesn’t match a person who would buy a chrysler (or two) after owning one.
I’d love to see these numbers attached to some type of sale. I get VW being number one...have you met those people...but Infiniti? I guess we are talking actual intelligence, not arrogance. (Please note, for every decent VW enthusiast, there are 10 others ranging from “stanZe YO” to “its German, so it’s basically a…