
This is smart...but I question if you came up with this, as a 3 time chrysler owner. (I mean this in a fun, playful, way- not as an A hole :) )

I’ll take a siesta Fiesta before a ‘Murican Sonic.

With this, Ford has less than GM or chrysler. So...is this an issue we are talking about, or a hot point that gets him publicity?

Great read!

Is anyone going to explain how any one of these cars was totaled?

Left a comment yesterday, 22:23, and still greyed out, no response. Guess they just want the clickbait, and “totalled” means, at worse, a sheared off wheel. Here’s the comment, again: So, these were totaled because a wheel came off? Either there are major assumptions by Justin, or very little real content is being

Like the ones that didn’t happen because they were stopped. Really? Knowing of some of these, I can say “thank you!” for serious responses to all of these situations.

So, these were totaled because a wheel came off? Either there are major assumptions by Justin, or very little real content is being explained. Hard to tell which one.

What’s wrong with the DB9?!?!?!?! Seriously, I value your feedback. 2012 DB9 in 2020...but I came here to say THANK YOU for doing a write up and video. Many of us appreciate it, even if we don’t say it.

Lol, the only people I’ve met who like challengers either don’t really like cars, couldn’t afford one when they wanted one (40 years ago), or haven’t driven anything else.

I feel like an idiot for still reading... Which one is worse? Lol

No one sees the real issue here. Raising a child to believe chryslers are acceptable cars...what is this world coming to? :(

The only reason I’ve been near having an accident at night was because some moron drives with his brights on. If you can’t see with regular lamps, then get off the road. If you want extra light, but can’t notice a car coming, or don’t respect a car in front of you, you don’t deserve to be on the road. I’m not an angry

Yea, this cars exterior is shit in person. Giulia will be blessed to do as well as the Ghibli.

He’s got like 6 feet on Jobs.

Yepp, I agree- especially because many SUV/CUV/whatever’s are on car platforms. That’s why I specifically qualified my question with this (from post) “forgot that Lexus made a FF car (actual car, not like the RX). Are there any others that are FF, like the entire Toyota line up (excluding now the 86)?” FR- IS, GS, LS,

Well, I did think that lol, but all three shared it, so I didn’t want to nitpick on wording/intent when he correct in what he was saying.

I admit I was wrong on the ES, but please read my post. I specifically said what cars, and clarified actual cars, and specifically even said this excludes vehicles like the RX since it isn’t a car (under the very specific comment I made). So no NX, no RX, ES was covered, HS would work if they still sold it in the US

I believe the MKX, MKZ, and Fusion all share the same platform. I easily remember MKZ-ephyr. After two months in one, the LAST MK (Z, get it?) I would buy.

Man, I hate it when I am wrong! Especially when I put it in writing lol. Yes, the ES is FF, I was wrong. I forgot that Lexus made a FF car (actual car, not like the RX). Are there any others that are FF, like the entire Toyota line up (excluding now the 86)?