
Robert Downey Jr.'s Sherlock Holmes is terrific, and of all the versions, more people in the world love his than any other.

Yes, some fans just love it, because Robert Downey Jr,'s Sherlock Holmes IS a real Holmes - just as real as any of the other modern adaptations. And remember - they are ALL adaptations. Not a single one of them is THE "real" Sherlock Holmes, whatever that means - "the" only "real" one is Conan Doyle's. The others -

Sorry, but a great many of us do indeed love and admire the
Downey version of Sherlock Holmes, and to millions he IS Sherlock Holmes today. The movies come in for a great deal of unwarranted flak that they don't deserve at all — Downey is one of our most talented actors and a heartfelt, intelligent and wonderful