
I’m calling it now. This lawsuit will sink CIG and Star Citizen will never get released.

They’re suggesting he should apologize for his unsportsmanlike behaviour. Essentially, he was being a “bad winner” and disrespectful to his opponent by finishing the match with his foot and pretending to doze off mid-game.

I really enjoy the motion control aiming that Nintendo’s been doing lately. (Skyward Sword, Splatoon, Star Fox Zero, and Splatoon 2) but it’s nowhere near as accurate or precise as the infrared light gun technology used in the Wii remote. (Metroid Prime Trilogy, The Conduit, The Conduit 2, Red Steel 2, Call of Duty:

Is spending money cheating? Seems just as fair to me.

Borderlands, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Dishonored, Elder Scrolls games (they have a third person camera, but they clearly aren’t designed to be played that way).

1st person severely limits your FOV it does not improve it, you cannot see everything going on around you, Case in Point any MMO that allows both 1st and 3rd person perspective, believe me tell your group you play in 1st person, and you will be ridiculed, and laughed at for being a moron, and maybe in some instances

That was a stealth-action game, not a strategy game, and it obviously wasn’t that great considering Blizzard decided to not even finish it.

Woo hoo!

I picked it up as Quake 3 immediately

I think you need to see it in motion.

It just looks like more of the same. I mean, yeah, space fights. Great. Those were in a couple of the previous ones.

The trailer got me excited. I can easily be bought with space exploration stories.

Thank Jim Sterling for Jim Sterling.

IKEA-assembly type furniture doesn’t seem so stupid now for me, after that couch. But please, oh please use proper bolts and steel-on-steel screws. There are sleeves made exactly for that purpose. On this assembly type, you can do it several times. In fact, my former bed is 40 years old and was moved at least 7 times.

Your never going to get an arena shooter to feel as tight and quick as the greats of 90's PC shooters when they are made for consoles aswell. That means designs will have to incorporate the limitations of the gamepad analogue stick into everything part of the game design.

ermmm Half Life 3 is not coming to WiiU its a PSvita exclusive guys...

World in Conflict was an amazing game. Not since Age of Mythology did I want an FPS campaign to go along with my strategy game.

YAY! Let me play some games! Oh... downloading updates...

No offense to Agent Scarlet, but the artwork is so dull and dark. I made some tweaks to the lighting to match the original more closely and bring back the Doom logo to it's full glory.