
Personally, I was excited for this interesting, fresh take on an amazing classic character, but I am also extremely happy that they decided to f*ck with you unappreciative, whiney, fan-boy @$$holes and made you all look like a bunch whiney little tools. It is great to see them screwing with you guys after all of the

Then look up the Jim Lee/ Frank Miller All Star Batman and Robin cover where the Joker has his shirt off and has a giant jade dragon tattoo across his back and right arm…

Warner owns Batman… the make or break his integrity… he is what they say he is lol. Get creative instead of just being a pissing moaner and perhaps you can create a character we can all hate.

Ha ha ha, someone missed the Simpsons reference…

Awwwe is some vag-hurt?? Put some ice on it and fuck off. When is the last time you picked up a comic??? DC comics aren't really written for children per se and have many undertones only an adult would pick up on. Go eat your nightly tub of ice cream.

Yet you keep following. Go to bed little girl.

Way better batvoice than bale. Bale was just excessively forcing air through his throat, using a technique some metal singers do (and it sounded like crap) this, though, the modulator, is menacing while still not being overwhelming, nor does batfleck need to stop speaking every two words to inhale…