Griffin Vacheron

It's very possible that she is. I mean, she could have helped Delta create the decision game for all we know. After all, who exactly is the announcer in the facility this time around?

Thanks!! Got the idea from the two Phis situation.

Spoilerific thought:
Alice and Clover sent back to their own time via Transporter after VLR. Alice sent to the wrong time by mistake, ancient times, lives life as ALL ICE.

Lol touché sir

This is a wonderful take and aligns quite a bit with my own. There's definitely the meta layer of *real* life is simply unfair, as evidenced by budget constraints and limited development time.

See my reply above to Apple Merchant's guide. I think the choice is up to you :)

Great little guide. Thanks man! Gonna push back on one thing tho, just my personal opinion. I think ZTD is designed for people to start with it first if they want to and I think the takes of those individuals who do so will be fascinating. There will be ZE newcomers who have their skull cracked open by this game

Totally agree.

I'm pretty fine with the Transporter. Didn't feel too far to me. And the only reason mind hacking felt too far (just getting off topic now) is because Aksys didn't come up with a more elegant name for it. Ben Bateman woulda been on that shit.

I personally disagree because the scene where it's introduced and Zero explains it is so cool. I was fine with it. Also, there are inklings about aliens from VLR, even tho it doesn't end up being true there are subtle suggestions that Quark or even Phi might not be of this world, which had me thinking about aliens

Another great moment that was not a major end IMO was when Sigma laments that Luna and Lagomorph will never be created. So sad. Like specifically lagomorph for some reason. Luna too, but I'm already overdosed on Luna feels.

One genius aspect of ZE is that it's almost impossible to identify any true plotholes or "why didn't they just do X thing instead?" moments. First two games, Akane has her quantum brain that sees down the flow of time, so anything she didn't want to happen simply would not happen. People say "well wouldn't Siggy

VERY cool take. Haven't seen an interpretation quite like this. Glad you enjoyed the game!


Plot twist —- new Bungle released through Web of Mimicry! Heh

That would be awesome. One piece they'd have to figure out tho…. should Bungle be done indie/on Ipecac, or through a major? FNM going indie was this kind of bold statement that had been a long time coming, especially because they clashed with their label so much and there were so many stories about deadlines and

It would honestly be crazy if they began collaborating as Bungle again. Crazy awesome, but also just crazy. I mean they're each so different now, at least musically and in how they present themselves to the public… Patton is this classy refined gent who sings Italian pop tunes (disregarding the Sol Invictus identity

Probably the "meh" thing. Though as the years go by it becomes clearer to me how important Bar Mckinnon is to the Bungle sound, especially on California. I wouldn't want Bungle back without him. Heifetz I *suppose* I could live without, but I feel like he delivers some of the humor, not to mention his drumming is the

True about Patton's recent band-related output, which is odd since he hasn't actually written any of the music for Tomahawk or FTM lately, just lyrics and vocal harmonies. I'm certainly looking forward to the next Patton-composed rock album, be it Fantomas or something else.

Faxed Head is so brilliant.