
I love this. When I worked retail, I hated going in on Thanksgiving. It’s a fun holiday everyone should be able to enjoy. Of course, I’d like the supermarkets to be opened until 10am on Thanksgiving and Christmas, just because I always forget something important. I am a hypocrite, but only asking them to be open for a

I love this information. Thank you!

Same thing with child care. If a dad brings the kids to the birthday party, park, or school, everyone fawns all over him. I don’t know if some of it is positive reinforcement or envy, but I want to smack the other moms that make too much of it. Yeah, it’s great he’s helping out, but none of us give each other medals

For me, this is where the concept of respect kicks in. Respect is just as important as love in a long term relationship. I don’t care what the rules are. It’s not just the man’s job to determine where a relationship is going or if marriage is in the cards. If a relationship is a true partnership then it’s up to both

“Let’s put our critical thinking caps on here.” —and that’s what worries me. It’s not like a person needs any critical thinking to see through the craziness. It’s seems obvious that Hubbard made up a religion and then felt godlike and ambivalent about what he did to his dying day. It’s one thing when people are born

That sounded so fishy to me. Teddy Roosevelt (as her dead father’s brother) walked Eleanor Roosevelt down the aisle. And he was known as “the bride and every wedding and the corpse at every funeral” while she was a very shy young woman. No one worried about too much attention on “Dad-uncle” there. And Bill Clinton

Why is that Outerware model wearing a jacket from my Grandma’s closet?

Why is that Outerware model wearing a jacket from my Grandma’s closet?

Hmmmm. What year is Mr. LeBeouf living in?

I love this show but cannot abide Fitz. Who knows why we love the people we love—but why him? He’s whiny and pouty. He likes to only have his way only, and when he doesn’t, he sics the government on you then drinks way too much. And let’s face it, he’s married to someone else, and a he’s a psychopath. Not a good combo

Kids can scare you at times. One morning I was driving my two and two neighbors to elementary school. We saw a group of wild turkeys on the side of the road. One of the kids screamed, “Thanksgiving dinner!” and the rest started clamouring for a gun. After pushing my jaw back up, I reminded them the neighborhood

Your marriage makes me so happy! Congratulations!!! You’re both brave and amazing. I wish you all the best!

Why are Trumps eyes so tight and goofy (goofier) looking? Does he have tape hidden in that coiff of his to pull up the wrinkles?

When I read this, I couldn’t stop visualising my two sisters having a slap-fight in the back of the station wagon. That two ‘grown’ men would pull up this memory is kind of amazing.

This is why I can’t ‘do’ fashion. I look at the pink pjs, the mismatched pants and shirts, and the seemingly missing shoulder pieces. Oh, and the sad model wearing a shiny bra on the outside of her blouse... Don’t these people live around small children who would point and laugh?

Maybe they’d invite Donald Trump to be their Doctor? He hasn’t been to medical school but he’s seen a lot of ER and Grey’s Anatomy so he feels like he is. I’m sure he’d be happy to give his opinions.

Yeah, let’s throw away thousands of years (for baths at least) of a time-tested, straight-forward practice, and instead spray some chemical on our skin and call it “healthy”. Hmmm, no.

How did they make that kitty look like a samurai?

Anytime I see someone bragging about how honest they are or see a product touting their ‘honesty’, I run and hide my wallet.

Yeah, Sodom’s sins were that she was prideful and wouldn’t share. Who does this remind you of?

Somewhat OT but thank you for that picture of Ms. Blanchett. It’s nice to see an actress look like a real actual person. As each year adds more creases, I can’t help but wonder what those women are doing—lasers? fillers? face lifts? It’s great to see someone who looks normal.