
My cousin, Gabrielle, taught English in Japan. Her nickname of Rielle, was out of the question, and she hated the sound of Gab. So she tried G — it kind of worked. So there are many reasons to change your name in a new country.

True. To be honest, my off the boat Russian grandfather and my off the plane Irish mom just want to be Americans too. They have no patience for the allegiance to the homeland.

Pleased to meet you. I’m a mainly a HeavyCarb-American.

Thank you. I have got to do more with my life.

Kudos to your aunt. When you want kids, sometimes it’s best to take in the ones already here. My grandmother was adopted, so I always thought that was a great way to add to your family. It doesn’t matter how the kids come to you, be it adoption, ivf, whatever—the day to day raising of them is exactly the same. I love

As 1/8 Mexican, why can’t people pick on the Canadians for a change? Why is it always us? And I’m Russian and Polish too. And on my mom’s side I’m all Irish. I married a Japanese-American and some of our kids were adopted from Korea. I can’t catch a break. There’s so much to fix here in the US, why can’t we look at

This is the guy I voted for.

You are so right. It is theater. Once my husband was pulled off to be interrogated over God knows what, leaving me with two kids under the age of five, two carseats slung over my shoulders and 3 carry on bags. I couldn’t chase after those kids if they decided to run off with a candy-bearing stranger. The TSA people

Have you been to Pennsylvania? Once you get out of Philadelphia...

Yes! And Schnowzer is just as laughable as Longface, Hagrid, and (my favorite) McHorsey. It’s sad when writers don’t get out much and they begin to confuse their inner reality with, like, outer reality. I’ve tried to read her stories before, so I guess this one won’t be the one I finish. (Or even start.)

Is she also too stupid to come out of the rain? wtf?

I have no idea what’s going on in their marriage, and probably no one else does either. I do hope they make it. I like them, but this kind of scrutiny has got to be hard. The hubs and I have been married for over 20 years. There have been times where family and friends have asked us in concerned voices if we’re okay.

I agree. Those pockets... It’s a nightmare.

It’s one thing to hear about this kind of stuff happening to a friend of a friend. It’s another to see it and relive it for eternity.

I hope Old Navy is listening. They have some fine hoodies and t shirts that I will never buy because I don’t believe in spending $25 and still having to advertise their store. ;)

Can’t put charming on his CV. What did he think he’d get by telling her he thinks she’s a whore and superficial? But that he was willing to look a little harder because he thinks there might be more there. Is she supposed to be thankful for his ‘honest’ evaluation and offer to help her find her better self? He does

Duane Allman? I’m guessing I’m about 10 or so years younger than you, but one of my sisters really loved him. Nonstop album playing, posters on the wall kind of love. Am I right?

I thought I would never quit, but I did. We were taking our time starting our family, then we changed everything in one year: moved, quit smoking, cut back drinking, and then I got pregnant. I know the khaki colored, dull sad world after smoking. I lived there for years. Thankfully, the kids were more important than

In some Christian sects (certainly not all), “shaming people for who they are” is part of their religion. It’s their version of behavior modification to create better Christians and, in turn, a better world. Personally, I find it repulsive, and that’s why I’m not part of any organized religion anymore.

Yes. This was an eye-opener for me. Especially: “ That seventeenth-century America was a great time to be a woman but nineteenth-century America was a horrible time to be a woman...” I understand the 19th century party, but realized I know nothing about 17th century women. I guess I imagined puritanical, repressive