
Why don't they just call it fat free yogurt? That's what it tastes like to me. Not sour cream.

This is why I can't read "women's" magazines anymore. Cosmopolitan once scolded readers for not checking our eyeshadow at lunchtime. Who needs that crap?

So true. It's like giving a book the title: Makeup for Beautiful Girls, or Makeovers Made Easy for Skinny, Pretty Girls. It's so much easier making already thin, pretty people look better. But advice for chunky, curvy, "interesting" looking girls—that's hard. The advice in most of these books is absurd and

Sigh. A fringed poncho and crocks. My "inside" clothes.

I'm sure they will—lots!!!!!!

I think most people can't stand entitled bitches who think they do more than everyone else when they don't. But most stay at home moms pick up the slack for a lot of other people. We're the ones picking up other people's kids when they're sick or they can't get away from work. When one of the older people in the

Thank you for your thoughtful words. I feel much the same way. Many people can and do change. And many people can't or won't. But he's such a hateful dick, it's hard for me to give him the benefit of the doubt. I wouldn't hire him and, if I had money, I wouldn't buy his clothes, even as I hope he's changed.

Look how long everyone kept quiet about Charlie Sheen. He was a "character", a rascal, a charmer—until he impacted the bottom line and refused to do what he was told. Then he was an out of control .drug addicted ashole.

Eh, she's young. I wouldn't hold any guys she dates as proof of who she is. Lotta frogs yet.

I initially thought, 'like a waterfall' or a dulcimer, but they're probably like timid, tired, slightly off, bland sounds

The mom struck me as more of a brat than the kid. The kid's obviously regurgitating the crap she hears all the time from her parents. I didn't like that the mom had no respect for that kid at all. (And by respect, I mean taking the time to listen and respond kindly to your kids.) Who will the kid learn respect from

Yes! Also the mom of two boys now in their teens. I did the exact same thing of telling them we'd go home if they continued the bad behavior. I only had to go straight home once with the oldest and twice with the youngest. Entitled behavior is not okay for either sex. I also had zero tolerance for hitting girls.

Your Mimimister is right. She wasn't doing too well. I'll never understand how celebrity works. How does a girl on a show my 11 year old thinks is "lame" have more demands than Tom Hanks?

"yeah, I think he is eating something."

Having a rational argument with Palin is like arguing with a drunk. It's just frustrating for you and she'll forget anything you said within minutes. It's not worth your time or breath. But she is so galling, she makes me want to scream. Especially when she thinks she's being funny—funny!

The lovely thing about Johnny Depp was that he was so silent for so long. He lived far from the maddening crowd and came out only when he had a movie to promote. And even then, the movies he made did not require being on ET. Back then he was shy and cryptic. It added to his allure. We could imagine the deep

Brad's middle-aged now. His prettiness should no longer be an issue. Denzel started taking on bad-guy roles in his 40s. He's free. He can play whatever he wants. Sadly, Depp is free and this is what he does?

Or when you go to a fast food place and have to ask for the Carl's super star junior burger with Carl's extra cheese? Can't I just ask for a cheeseburger?

I went to the deli at the local supermarket and asked for 15 of the drumettes. To make conversation while the kid was weighing my food I asked him what they did with the other part of the wing. He looked at me like a was an idiot and said, "What wing?" I answered, "These drumettes are part of the wing." He sneered

Many of my vegetarian friends are "grainatarians". They eat oatmeal and whole grains as well as chips and beer. Rarely does an actual, raw or cooked (not counting potatoes) vegetable make it onto their plates. Okay, maybe an apple once in a while.