
While I agree with 99.9% of everything said, I can’t help but address the elephant in the room regarding Cap. Maybe, and hear me out, maybe the reason he doesn’t have a job in the NFL also has a small part to due with the fact that he kinda sorta really sucks on a Blake Bortles level. He had 1 good season in SF, and

But she’s not right...and that’s exactly what we do want. Monster vs monsters. NOBODY is there b/c they care about the characters story

You know it’s funny...these so called “critics” bashed the first one for the human element and story they didn’t like, now they bash this one b/c it has less human element and story...fkn critics man, fkn critics -_-

You missed an “of” in there. Therefore, your entire opinion is officially invalidated due to shitty grammar. Good day to you sir

Quick question: Were said students acting like “fucking N*****s”? Meaning, acting like some entitled fucking donkeys shit talking a white teacher and daring her to say/do anything to them. Being rowdy, not listening to instructions, and other types of shit you usually see happen before cops start shooting? If

I lol’d. Shit’s funny to me. Everyone needs to lighten the fuck up and learn to laugh. it’s not like they had it wrapped around a black students neck. That shit would be hilarious, but I can see a few people getting offended at that one.

Fuck Cardi B. Idk what is wrong with the ignorant fucks who listen to her trash ass music. Not long ago, if someone came on the scene and literally tried to be a 1 for 1 copy of another artist, they’d be laughed out of the fucking industry. That cunt from day one has tried to copy every single thing about Nicki Minaj

Maybe I’m alone, but I don’t see what the big deal is. Black men/women use the N word all the time. Maybe some white people would stop saying it if they didn’t hear it constantly. It’s not like black people have some unwritten claim on the word. Iirc, white assholes came up with the term anyway. I say it quite a bit,

You could also just use the mod that allows educated workers to work in factories. Problem solved with the click of a button. And don’t try the “I don’t use mods” argument, b/c everyone who plays the game knows that you’re lying. Nobody plays w/o mods, the game has far too many issues without them.

How TF do you make this article without using a single example from Kotor or Kotor 2? Fire this hack nao! ;)

I don’t grade, b/c I wouldn’t be able to stick to my own guidelines lol. But it was wonderful. Hit me right in the feels with Brienne. Easily in my top 5 list for the series, and only the 2nd time I got misty eyed.

Who gives a shit what the historical context is? Times change. If people want to remain stuck in the past and refuse to move forward, then piss on them. Now, in my opinion she should have just worn the outfit and not the makeup. But who did she really hurt? Nobody. If some oversensitive snowflake wants to pout and say

Oh Michael. I’ll get to the point in a minute but once again...why do you continue to go out of your way expressing just how awful racism is, but spew forth your own brand of it in every single article you write? I get writing about the stupid shit white ppl do everything, I do. But there is a better way to do it. You

Oh look, one of those guys who uses the age old argument of “Yeah, but it ain’t as bad as having the plague, cancer, HIV, rape, etc”...sit down and shut TF up kid. Go get yourself a nice helping of the measels and please be sure to come back and tell us all it wasn’t  that bad -_-. I don’t believe that the children

This is one of the best reviewed horror films of the past 5 years, and AV club takes a steaming shit on it with a C+. I’m really starting to question the credibility around here -_-

Nice try Dennis. Too bad Arya is seen during the trailers @ the battle of winterfell, which has been confirmed to not happen until episode 3. Not buying her epic April Fool’s gag.

I’m white and I care, so fuck you

Call me a cheap skate, but I’m not about to leave a $10 tip for someone b/c they simply did their job. Especially when said person is paid either minimum wage or higher. Where I live, hotel cleaning staff makes more than minimum wage. Usually $3-4 more on average. The bottom line is, they are already getting paid to

Honestly I’m surprised that the police haven’t charged him with Manslaughter. I know that has happened many many times in the past. It’s obviously the police shot her, but still.

Calling out marvel for being racist...but I guaranfuckingtee if Scar Jo’s name had been left off you wouldn’t be saying shit about it. Which is racism in and of itself. More bullshit clickbait manufactured racism at it’s finest. It was an oversight, not fucking racism you moron. By the way, I’m black, and I’m calling