
Keep up the good work Gita. There are only 2 times when race being brought up bothers me: When it’s from someone white who says something super racist and acts like that’s okay to do. And when it’s from someone black who goes over the top on their white bashing and pretends like that isn’t racism too. But other than

I wouldn’t have any issue with what he said, until he used the term “stolen” from mother Africa. Yeah, that happened, but native African’s also SOLD their people to the white man. It’s not stealing if you pay for it. I can’t stand when shit like this gets said but someone only wants to bring up half the story.

I’d bang her, she’s kinda hot. I mean, racist AF and I’m not about that life, but I’d hit it. Actually, idk. Yall see the pic of her husband/bf/baby daddy? Dude looks like a straight up mentally retarded meth head. Dunno if I wanna go behind that :/

Bring back the Yak. Yall know what to do

You sound confused. Either it was reported incorrectly or you’re reading it wrong. It says you can pre order, get your game, and you have 30 days after the game launches to get a full refund. How is that bad?

Meh, calling out a church for being anti LGBTQ is like being mad at water for being wet. And Page can go eat a dick, or vagina, or whatever shes into this week. I’m just saying, this is a non issue. She’s taking offense @ a church b/c it teaches from a bible, which makes it pretty clear that same sex lovin is a life

I’m no Pats fan but hear me out: Rams lost...and that feels like cosmic justice b/c they shouldn’t have been in this game to begin with after that horseshit non call 2 weeks ago. It was the universe declaring that the Rams had no business here, and if that means those shitbad Pats get another ring...then so be it.

Man fuck otter media. There was no reason to do this other than “b/c we wanted to”. I hope every person in power who decided to do this dies in the most horrible of ways. I’m talkin biblical level horrible shit.

It picks up after the story of Mortal Kombat X, not 9. You might want to correct that my man.

All I see is a bunch of teenagers harassing and assaulting a man, who then proceeds to punch one of them TKO style. While I admit he took shit way too far and could have walked off...this is another case of someone doing dumb shit that could potentially get them knocked dafuq out / arrested / in some sort of trouble,

Can someone please tell Blizzard to follow suit? I’d give my right leg @ my second born child for them to get out from under Activision’s shadow. Mobile Diablo, poor quality across World of Warcraft, etc. And Activision’s solution to this is to cut jobs and save money, instead of putting out a quality product people

You lost what small amount of credibility you had when you mistakenly called Starkiller Base the Death Star in your Star Wars reference.

Raises white hand...this is f’d up. Sometimes I read stories like this and just crack up laughing @ all of the reverse racism spewing forth to complain about, wait for it...racism. But yeah, screw the racist white teller who started this whole thing. Racial profiling at it’s finest. I know for a fact that a white guy

The problem isn’t the method, it’s the timing. Up until last week Blizzard was still telling professional Hots players and those involved with the game that HCS was continuing. It’s the sudden “it’s ending now” aspect. If blizzard had let people know say, a few months ago...it would have given those who rely on the

This makes me ashamed of not on my follow americans, but of being white. For the first time. I’m just baffled at how on earth anyone could even prosecute someone for what she went through. I agree with others, a white teenage girl would never have been prosecuted for this. They would have been hailed a hero for

I’m just saying, and before anyone starts complaining I’m not a fan of all of this police brutality crap, but if an officer tells you to turn around, get on the ground, etc...just f’n listen and this crap won’t happen. When you 100% comply, even if you think you’re being harrassed or they are wrong, you won’t get your

Credible accusation? Point me in the direction where this has evolved past “he said she said”. Last I checked it was just that, an accusation with zero evidence to prove he did or didn’t do it. Honestly, since when do we take the word of everyone who comes out of the woodwork. I might be an asshole, but you don’t go

Fook this guy. I’m sorry he got shot and all, but that doesn’t give you the right to go cash in on this tragedy. There are others who were killed, I’m sure they would much rather have their lives back than a check. There are laws in place to protect entities from being sued over things like this. Nothing is 100%

Taboo? Not where I’m from. I live in the great state of Mississippi(lol I know), and over the past 15 years the rate of teen pregnancy has grown on a yearly basis. It’s to the point now, where statistically, there are more pregnancies here to teenagers(under 18) than there are to adults yearly. Many other states are

OH LOOK, another black writer going out of her way to point out the fact that a white person was involved(and in the wrong), but God forbid, if I, a white writer posted a reverse of the same story you would want to burn me @ the stake as a racist. I have zero remorse for african american’s who cry about ongoing racism