
Sounds like our “writer” here is redirecting her own self loathing of her obviously unpleasant feet onto the rest of the world. And for the record, speaking as a medical professional, your hands are about 10,000x more disgusting and disease ridden than your feet and you spend all day washing them...so idk what all the

It wasn’t necessarily wrong. Depending on the state in which the girl lived, he might very well have been in a 100% legal relationship. Here where I live, the age of consent is 15. So, if she was from here, he’s good. Do I agree with it? Absolutely not. But let’s not go on a witch hunt without gathering all of the

Medical professional here(Nurse): Let me clue you in on a small fact you aren’t likely to see @ the top of of an article when you go on your hours long “omg this shit’s gonna kill me” bender online for every single medicine. They can all do horrible things to you. Will they? Not likely. If 1 out of 100,000 tests

Michael Harriot = The biggest advocate for racism in 2018.

Watching that guy go full vegetable as he was tazed is a close second.

“bring queerness to the masses”...that’s okay, but you know there would be a literal shitstorm if straight ppl tried to bring “straightness to the masses”. Two girls kissing =/= queer. It’s just two girls kissing. It’s called practice. I have about two dozen female friends, the majority of which are straight as F, and

Where in the blue hell is Infinity War? Who decided Ready Player One deserved a spot on the list and Infinity War did not? Fire that dude asap. They were both good films, but Infinity War was definitely better. RPO was just a fun film from start to finish, but nothing about it made you really care about the characters

I’d call the cops too if some loud ass kid was being loud. IDC what color they are. What the hell is with this sudden entitlement black people have to do whatever they want (Illegally in some cases) then shame white ppl when they get called out. Black people = biggest racists on the planet. You can’t take the time to

Guys clearly a pedo

I’m honestly not surprised. Unfortunately, as someone who works in the medical field(Nurse), this is all too common. You wouldn’t believe the things that I have seen happen first hand to patients who are sedated. Nurses, Anastesiologists, and even Physicians regularly make jokes about the patients appearance. As you

Maybe I’m an asshole, but If something really traumatized you that bad...you aren’t going to wait 16 years to report it. Just a bitch trying to get a check. Even rape victims, if it takes you 10+ years to report it to ANYONE...your credibility is nonexistent in my opinion. Unless you have a photo, video, or a text

I absolutely love horror in all forms. But it also terrifies the heck out of me far too easily. The only time I’ve been truly scared to the point that I had to “Nope” my way out of the situation was playing the first Amnesia. I absolutely have to see this movie from everything I’ve read, but I really really really

You forgot the reaction of every single person in every single livestream “Fuck this mess, Nintendo is shit, just another shitty port. Look at those graphics. It’s a port with a new roster. Fuck Nintendo”...I kid you not, I checked 7 different streams and it was the same shitshow in every one of them.

People just want something to bitch about. They cry for years that they want the game, then when it doesn’t fit whatever “perfect” version they have in their mind, they bitch. Entitled kids. Capcom could have just not made the game, so please everyone, stfu.

This, after seeing that RE2 trailer that asshat is confirmed troll.

Homophobic much? Seriously, I think you could have come up with a slightly better headline than ( & gay). Or you know, you could have just not gone out of your way to point it out, since tbh it doesn’t matter one bit.

Not that a basement dwelling cock gobbler like yourself would ever have children, but if you did, you would agree that this is taking things too far. I personally, give a pass to literally everything. I’m desensitized to the point that I don’t see anything as offensive. Video games DO NOT cause violence. But an

Ugh, I saw that Michael BayFest of a trailer :/ Is it bad that even with all this action going on, planes exploding, people leaping from 2 story windows, boom, and I think I saw someone use the force to bring a jet down.....all of that and I find the woman the most unrealistic part. Hear me out, not sexist at

Those chicks need to check their black privilege. Immature and ignorant on their part, but they felt like they were untouchable. If they were told hey, don’t go in the bathroom, we’re closed...then absofuckinglutely...they got what they deserved. 10 minutes? That’s what the author is clearly upset about. That’s not

Is this Shawn Cooke cockgobbler attempting to appear cool by shit talking DP and being “too good for that shit”? Yeah dude, this is 2018...that hipster shit died out a couple of years ago.