
You can’t even throw MK, Death Race, & Event Horizon(especially event horizon) into the same bucket as his other works, namely RE. Those are actually good movies. RE, not so much. Fun popcorn flicks yes, but when the first one made decent money Anderson was given free reign to change anything and everything he wanted,

Eats my dates almost every time, amirite boys? /high fives

Black people engaging in stereotypical behavior then bitching and moaning about stereotypes. Riiiiiiight. Don’t complain that things aren’t getting better for you as a people in this country when you’re doing nothing to make those things better...aside from holding your hand out and waiting.

Let’s chill with being a “cuck-a-saurus rex”, you don’t have to get all scientific with everything asshat.

Is it bad that I have a strong desire for some Huckabee nudes to leak out? Why has TMZ not made this happen yet? Must...have...now.

So your entire point is “We just weren’t smart enough to follow along so we don’t like it”. I’m sorry, but what? We are 1 episode in for the season and you’re also complaining that you don’t understand a specific characters motivations yet. Seriously? FFS give it time. Clearly this isn’t a show for you, maybe Kotaku

Reading must be hard. They said he has returned from his suspension and is playing again.

You’re completely going off on a wild tangent here. What said players did is not the issue, the issues is that the commentators job is to commentate on the match, fully, without indiscretion. They aren’t doing their job, so why do they still have one?...that is what people are wanting to know, in addition to why said

After reading all of that, I don’t think your mind/body/soul is ready to watch Gamora die or Loki save everyone. That’s gonna be rough on you. You have my sympathy.

That’s the furthest thing from accurate. There are plenty of jobs out there, and at least in my area, the people on welfare just don’t want to do them. They feel better sitting at home collecting a check. You really want to cut down on welfare? Start mandatory drug testing for recipients and anyone they claim on their

My issue is this, and nobody in the African American community has been able to explain it to me...how is a word that black people use all day every day hurtful just because a white person says it? If the word is that bad, stop f’n saying it yourselves. You’re putting it out there in your music that the N word is

Yes, that is correct. I can’t wait to see this circus unfold. Just a simple case of a DA up for re-election trying to make a name for themselves. Also, corrupt ass cops, clearly those dipshits are the type of police officers that do not need to wear the uniform. More worried about looking cool to the public when all

Why is a texas DA going after a man who allegedly bumped into a security guard in MN? Isn’t that a little bit out of her jurisdiction?

This is clearly a cash grab. Someone jumped at the opportunity to get a little bit of money. The charge is weak AF, and any half decent lawyer can and will have this thrown out. Homeboy security guard is just hoping for an out of court settlement to drop the charges. Only in America folks -_-

Tip 1: Shave/Trim them anyway and tell your family to get bent

No no no, the things we did as children are NOTHING in comparison to what these(and this in guy specifically) idiots do. I sure didn’t pour food on my body and record myself, or destroy property, or do any of the other hundred or so ignorant things this guy has done. If my child ever acted this way, I’d dropkick him

Outdoors, where the highways are, which he so clearly needs to go play in. I’m sorry, I have no sympathy for someone who does idiotic shit to get attention. This is just another example of the subhuman level of ignorance that exists in this world. Hitler was right, people like him need to be chemically castrated. It’s

That hambeast needs to go play in traffic. Would not bone.

It was a “This is how I’d do it, but I didn’t do it” kinda thing. Dude’s still innocent. I’m not saying he didn’t do it, he might have. Hell he sure did act like he did with his mental breakdown and all the other bullshit he did between “alleged” murder & court time.

Who TF said it was bad? How about form your own opinion and stop being a pleb, would that work? Seriously, the only legitimate complaints anyone had about the game was the either didn’t like the driving(which was fine tbh), then didn’t like the DLC(b/c 90% of it sucked), and they were pissed about the Arkham Knight