
They sure are promoting the crap out of this flick. And they feel pretty confident it'll earn enough cashola to justify all those sequels.

Are people keen on "Fantastic Beasts" or what?

Fantastic Chickens and How to Count Them Before They Hatch!

I'm fine with them remaking episodes of "Justice League Unlimited" for the rest of the show's run.

Another reason to wear one! A domino mask would probably be(e) enough to make facial ID difficult.

Bryan Fuller's stepping down, but don't worry, we got "Batman and Robin"'s Akiva Goldsman

Put on a mask.
The bees use facial recognition. Put on a mask. Do it. Do it now.


This was my favourite of the bunch (perhaps tied with "San Junipero"), but it was also the biggest bummer.

It's Episode 2, not 3, correct?

I am shocked, SHOCKED that the AV Club review made nary a mention of "meowmeowbeanz".

Heroes don't hit dudes in the balls, Mads. It's just not done.

Can't help but notice they're all cowboys. No cowgirls. I guess Rocksteady's sticking to their guns on that one.

THIS. Their methodology is whack. And excluding major pizza chains makes the core data virtually worthless.

Didn't Stephen King ALREADY write the fictional Stephen King?

I wish that he had used those exact words.

Not available in my country. THIS TRULY IS HAMILTON'S AMERICA!

PLEASE cast T-Pain as Dr. Smith.

Diana was kicking ass on Themyscira well before burgers were even invented.

How can Olivia Coleman be in EVERYTHING British?