
Can't play. Too sexist. I'll wait for "Fallout 4".

I hope he took her name and not the other way around.

But… She's really bad at headlining shows about superheroines…

They can still cast a non-white kid as Peter Parker/Spider-Man…

Spouse-specific stuff, not husband-specific. Understood.

What are "husband-like qualities"?

The Green Lantern is "John" Stewart.

Exactly! I'm annoyed at all the shortened uses of the title. Even the imdb page is wrong.

I'm going to have to consider the Racist Douchebag factor before I lock in my Oscar pool picks…

Batman: The Animated Series > Beavis and Butthead

I can't NOT correct it when I see it.
I've accepted my neurosis and I appreciate the upvote.

It's "Doctor Who".

It's just "The Doctor"…

I had the complete opposite reaction to the smoothie sequence. I was 100% nauseated.

Wibbly wobbly misogynisty wisty!

Canadians is yes?

Dinky doo!

No Canadian bacon on these burgers.

Granted. If ever "Archer" decides to do a clip show, footage of his antics presented during a custody battle would be a good framing device.

I thought that she STOLE his sperm from his personal supply (not a publicly available bank) which would not invalidate his parental rights and would reflect very poorly on her during a custody hearing.