
Aw… Gender-flipped Doctor Doom would have been cool.

Why was the Australian mouse named after an American cheese?

The first two episodes seemed pretty dark, also, but I just got done with Season Three so maybe I just noticed the contrast.

Why has this season been tinted dark blue? It's super distracting…

The movie is called "Raiders of the Lost Ark", dangit.

GOING SOMEWHERE …not that you're not free at any time to leave?

They say "Superman" thrice. All three times are in the same scene, though.

Performance categories aren't broken down by gender. I love it!

My picks for Doctor candidates: Idris Elba, Thandie Newton, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Patterson Joseph, Sue Perkins.

I didn't notice that it was an all-female lineup when I read it. I assume that was just a matter of chance.

Get out of here, Bill Hader! Get on San Vicente, take it to the 10 then switch over to the 405 north and let it dump you out to Mulholland where you belong!

Adam's a creepy guy who doesn't seem to appreciate boundaries and is very slow to understand the word "no", but Jessa has just committed straight up domestic abuse when she decked Thomas John. The former is a weirdo that needs to be avoided, the latter is a violent criminal.

Please, please, please don't take his name, Leslie!

I am the one who knocks… over the stuff on your coffee table.