Tom Glavine only has 1 dong

So complaining about other people using ‘semantics’, doesn’t preclude you from trying to hide behind them. goo to know.

Every one of your comments.

More...if the Indians finish the same way the Tigers did in 2009 (aka the epic collapse you keep clinging to as proof)...The Tigers would have to win EVERY SINGLE one of their remaining games.
Still think it’s “very possible”?

They have a 1% chance of winning the division. No reasonable person thinks a 1% chance is the same thing as “very possible”.

I’m not a Cleveland fan. Fuck their racist logo.
I am a realistic baseball fan. The only thing I’m taking personally is your affront to rational thought.

An article from SB Nation written 4 years ago (aka slightly before the pitching dominance we’ve seen recently) that doesn’t bother to provide context in the form of how veteran pitchers fared in the same postseasons. I’m convinced!

How many teams have lost 7 game lead with 12 to play?

So grabbing a stranger you disagree with is okay if they’re sober?


Okay. So...what WAS your point, then?


Remember when I said I liked watching excellence? Does that answer your question?

The Indians have a 99% chance of winning the division.
No amount of anecdotes, and imagining the best case scenario will change that.

You called it the wild card round. And talked down to folks while doing so.
Then when it was pointed out that this was the wrong name...you said it’s only semantics.
Is this beginning to make sense? Or are words REALLY that hard for you?

You mean...something like a game that was 2-0 in the 8th inning? A game like that?

It must be cherry-picking season, because Fluorescent Black is getting after it!

Said the guy who is wrong.
You weren’t calling them “only semantics” when you were certain you were right.

Almost an hour in and not a single rabid Giants “fan” defending the team.
In the past I was mostly trolling when I said they were a bunch of frontrunners. But I guess I was right!

Baseball is as popular and revenue generating as ever.
You anti-baseball folks are going to be so disappointed when baseball is going strong and football goes the way of that other once-king, brain-brutalizing sport, boxing.

If superlative performances aren’t “exciting”...what does count?

I would rather watch excellence with a few runs scored than a Rockies game.