Douche Gossage

It sure takes a certain level of class to hurl “your generation” generalizations at anonymous strangers through the internet. Please tell me more about how to be a better human through scolding.

And it’s a shame YOUR generation thinks they can gloss over how actively worthless and watching-paint-dry uninteresting you all are by screaming “class!” over and over.

No. It’s because they don’t have to worry about some aggrieved pitcher drilling them in the head with a 9o mph fastball because they “showed them up.” Deliberately hitting a batter is the most cowardly act in all of sport — and it’s a ritual beloved by “old school” fans of baseball.

Huh. This seems like coded language. Like when people say the NBA is full of thugs. I’ve seen just as many humble MBA players as I’ve seen arrogant baseball players.

Let the eye rolls begin.

Yeah, I think in game two of a best of seven, the honorable thing to do is hold back so your opponent doesn’t get too discouraged. You wouldn’t want morale to be a factor in the rest of the series or anything.

Actually, yes, they are.