oh, I mock all the avant garde. Regardless of size.
oh, I mock all the avant garde. Regardless of size.
"Down with Bros"
just because they can doesn't mean they should.
this can't be a serious question.
you tell me, BRO
I so called it. She's a babe.
so, are you saying there are different levels of victim? A victim is a victim. Please explain.
"blow me"
tl;dr. Cut to the point next time.
Silly choice? Wow. That's such a BRO thing to say.
opposite polarities attract. Your analogy sucks.
maybe he's being modest.
No, but I'm sure they have crab.
Double weirdo.
yep, I have no respect for you. I don't want your admiration.
searching google can be rough.
question 2... You must be dumb. Just dumb.
snorgle? You mean you're going to snorgle her to death. That's insane.
wow how selfish.