thanks for sharing your life story.
thanks for sharing your life story.
their coffee has actually gotten much better.
Thanks for ruining my night. No really.
I'll just take my usable arms elsewhere.
lolerz. The best part, I'm dead serious. WHERE ARE YOUR ARMS?!?
Are you a tyrannosaurus Rex? I'm about the same height and they definitely go past my butt.
please illustrate how it is gendered. I'm interested.
apologizing for something you had no control overs screams ATTENTION WHORE.
78/79. That explains why it felt that number was way higher in my mind.
I'm pretty sure you have AIDS.
deep down, he's always wondering about all those other dicks that were inside you.
A committed open relationship. That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
wtf is a late bloomer? Honestly, sex shouldn't be had until you're at least 37.
I'm sure your fuck buddy was a real stand up guy. Truly concerned about you.
you live and you learn.
I doubt you will be able to teach. They'll just make their own assumptions.
it's called northern Iraq aka Kurdistan.