
The rural areas really need to take their farms back. Big agro and international trade agreements destituted too many, and got their claws into the rest, such that they can’t extricate themselves from the cycle - and while it’s no panacea, if people re-started actually growing real, local harvest-to-table food again,

The manufacturing and factory jobs aren’t coming back.

Look at southern CA’s very blue map and see the bright red spot in the Central Valley? Pretty much what you’re describing. I know a bunch of guys who were pulling in over 100k a year with high school degrees working the oil fields. Suddenly they’re not. Or they’re traveling to other states for work for months at a

And then there’s the union thing—those $25/hr. jobs would most likely be union jobs.

I saw a white farmer from Michigan talking about how obama’s policies have left him behind. It pisses me the fuck off that white boys can’t seem to figure out that they haven’t fallen behind—women and POCs and LGBT people and other marginalized groups have gained ground they should have had all along. People gaining

People were coming in from other counties or even Minnesota to get those jobs

You were conned by Trump. There will be no jobs returning. There will be no wall. The reason we are upset is because every single of one of you is too dense to see that you were lied to and have been lied to by the repubs for years. Who will you blame when nothing changes and your lives get worse? Brown people

Come see Oklahoma. The economy is tanking, the backing for education sucks, mental health care is abysmal and I could go on. Yet, every single incumbent was voted back into office. Every single incumbent because apparently they’ve been doing such a great job we want them to keep doing that job.


As a rural Southener, I don’t disagree with you. However, I feel like religion has played a big factor in it. It all day yesterday talking to my best friend, before she revealed she voted for Pence with Trump attached, because he is “grounded in Christian values”. She then went on a rant about this was the beginning

I’m living now in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania, former home of Bethlehem Steel. You know what the steel works are now? Half has been converted to an arts center. It’s actually quite nice. The other half is a hunk of metal standing, useless and unusable, the remains of an industry, waiting for someone to turn it

I remember back when Trump first got the nomination. He came to midMichigan. A local reporter interviewed a breathlessly excited, older middle aged woman. He’s gonna make us all millionaires!!!!!!! She actually believed it. I heard it a in a few other interviews with women saying it in various places, too. Of course,

Voter suppression and gerrymandering are great ways to make it look like people like you.

And um, in the 50s, the very wealthy had higher taxes! Actually, let’s bring that part of the 50s back.

I’m in NZ. The Dominion Post (our paper) had the headline of “WTF?” on a picture of Trump.

I couldn’t eat last night. Woke up crying. Drank coffee to get rid of the migraine I had. Coffee fucked up my stomach so bad so I ate pumpkin pie for breakfast because that’s depressed morning food. Then had raging diarrhea that was either the pie or just straight up Trumparrhea.

I am from Mississippi, and due to the oil industry tanking, a whole bunch of red necks with high school diplomas went from making all kinds of money and living king of the trailer park to being as dirt poor the rest of the white trash. That’s trump’s base. White, pissed off early 30/late 20 something men and their

The only thing I don’t fear is social security issues. AARP is the biggest lobbyists. You think people are upset now. Wait until you see 5 million seniors up in there. No one can get reelected without senior citizens.

this exactly. I knew they were out there. it is the people who didn’t show up for Hillary when Obama begged them to. they just didn’t seem to care.

I have an 84 year old Jewish Grandmother who lived through WW2, went and got her Master’s degree, worked on both of Adlai Stevenson’s campaigns and managed to raise three pretty solid kids including my awesome Dad.