
Christ this lady sounds like my father. They hit and demean and temper cruelty with contempt and then when you say “I don’t have to take this. You’re a bad person and a bad parent.” They act like the victim. Ugh. And seriously? I’m a guy so I have no idea how painful big breasts can be on a back but I do know it’s

Well considering these people are from Mississippi, were on Maury for a paternity test and just agreed to film a porno... yea I think $10k will be enough to pay off their “house” and still have enough left over for a truck.

not to be that douche but book Dorne’s internal logical is much much better.

Well I’m still bored, so probably not.

They have no political power! They’re all bastards! Sure the writers can try to pull some BS where the populace somehow hates Doran (even though they’ve never shown anything to that effect in the show and he’s well respected in the books) enough that they’ll just hand over power to Ellaria, but that would make no

Yeah. I am rather insulted by what I suspect is the writer’s attempts to make these women “strong” and “badass” (by...making them insane??)

I didn’t think the Dorne plot could get any more dumb or full of character assassination. I was wrong.

They are the worst and I hate everything about that storyline. EXCEPT. That saffron-colored dress, my god.

Book Ellaria: Vengeance is stupid and only leads to more pain and death.

maybe “seeing someone naked for the first time” would’ve won march madness had the dothraki voted.

The Sand Snakes better be praying that someone doesn’t bring Oberyn back from the dead. He would lose his mind if he knew what they were up to.

They’re the woooooooooooorst.

God I fucking hate all of them.

I don’t either. Yes, in the books they’re angry and frustrated and vengeful, but goddammit. This is just senseless. And we’re supposed to believe that all but a few of the guards are like “Yeah this is cool, we’re down with our princes being slaughtered by a mistress and a few bastards because they didn’t do enough to

Same! She’s been through enough. If they do another “Sansa’s coming into her own BUT WAIT HERE’S MORE ABUSE AND HORROR” fake out I will burn everything down.

None of those bastards ever liked Jon Snow. It was clear they would get rid of him when they could. Jon had a relationship with Ollie that was friendly and mentorly. I think that's why it's worse that he betrayed Jon than the others.

I’m so shocked by that. Myrcella last season was bad enough but this? They might as well have all spat on Oberyn’s grave.

“He, greedy bitch”. That situation really was in need of a terrible joke, thank you writers.

Without a doubt Ramsay is going to kill Roose & Waldas baby.

I hate everything about the Dorne storyline.