
Feige stated that evn though Avengers was released in 2012 it doesn’t necessarily mean that was the actual year that it took place. He said that they’re always a little vague as to actual dates.

There are plenty of non-POC Cybermen. #Equality

She was a terrible, whiny, character. She suffered from the usual companion trope of never listening to the Doctor.

Don’t worry, at least you’ll have that Krypton show from DC. I’m sure it’ll be much better.

Hot Fuzz was shit.

Edgar Wright’s Ant Man would probably have been the greatest Superhero movie ever made. But that’s not the business Marvel films are in.

The X-Files Revival Doesn’t Have a Single Woman Writer On Staff

Did she not watch Xena?

“but if the only reason they chose to replace me is because they wanted to go non-union, it’s petty, it’s disrespectful.”

Maybe because the first wasn’t actually that good?

Compares the show to Babylon 5.

Jenkins’ move to the majors may seem like big news, but that’s only because of her gender

Genuinely states that he does not understand the process. Everyone replies with actual answers describing how it works. Then there’s you.

The button has existed on previous presidents’ desks, but, as far as we can tell, this is the first time pushing the button will automatically result in soda.

The studio reps even held the meeting on a replica set from Dr. No, to show their passion.

‘The Zero Effect’ a fabulous movie from Jake Kasdan.

It’s typical circular Kirkman writing. We’re in a safe place, bad guy/group shows up, we take casualties, move on to another safe place. Governor, Negan, and so on.

Aw, thanks for showing up for a few seconds in this movie, Aunt May, and reminding us of Peter’s home life.

I feel bad here as Katie Cassidy is a pretty great actress...