
I disagree on your first point. When they stole the medicine from the Amish there was a lot of ethical and moral turmoil that the team members went through before arriving at the decision to take it. They were then upfront with the Amish about it and explained their reasoning and did it using the least amount of force

While I don't disagree with you on that topic, I don't want this to turn into a discussion of it. The only thing I will say to that, and am hoping doesn't happen with my criticism of Addy, which I would like to stay focused on, is I hate it when you offer a critique of a female character or female driven story, and

I have despised the character of Addy ever since the start of season 2. We spend all of season 1 seeing how mentally and emotionally unstable she is, even going so far as to abandon Operation Bitemark altogether. Had it not been for the nuclear strikes she would have very well still been involved in that woman's

Oh yea, and did you also notice the Gladiator reference when Warren tells Vasquez to "go to them" referring to his wife and child?

Right? I hadn't even thought of that as being yet another appropriate reference to drop. Guess we'll wait and see. With only two episodes to go I have a feeling it's going to end on another ambiguous note that we'll have to wait a year to find out how it gets resolved. I think season 4 should wrap it all up or else

During the episode revolving around 10K, after watching that very obvious homage to Martin Sheen as Captain Willard rising from the water, the same way 10K did while trying to avoid Murphy's henchman, it was very clear that a writer or director of Z Nation was influenced by Apocalypse Now. And I genuinely wondered how

The show is comprised of quick witted, sarcastic, attractive, and totally unrealistic central characters who spout off name dropping dialogue of political and military terms to give the appearance of a hip new show about world affairs. I hated it.