
Whoa whoa whoa. Those are a lot of assumptions right there and you don't know this family. Settle down and don't be part of the angry mob. Famous girl or not, you do not know her or her family. This situation is not for our public entertainment, you are not mental health professional, and you don't need to go out

This person is right. You have no idea where your food comes from because if you're anything like me it just magically appears each week in your fridge. Magic chicken is the best.

Oh, Americans and our sense that if you're over 20 and live with your parents you are a failure at life. We're very special in this regard.

Yes, DV and alcohol often go hand in hand. But ultimately it is the abuser that is at fault, not the alcohol, not the victim, not the someone's upbringing, just the abuser. Because we could find a lot of other excuses for the violence.

Keep fighting the good fight. Next thing you know, they'll be arguing that swatting your dog on the nose is animal cruelty.

Well for my daughter, I smacked her hand. Once. That's spanking. Adrian Peterson, well that's beating. A world of difference. My daughter's first question was "Why?" (no crying or anything)- I explained that she was making a serious mistake and she should never, ever do so again. She understood and we were done.

Wasn't looking for validation; just putting my thoughts out there. I get it too, but I never understood the whole "This hurts me more than you" deal until I came to that moment.

Please STFU. Every once in a while, a spanking is necessary. I've been lucky; my daughter is three and some change and I've never had to hit her until once, a few weeks ago. Sometimes, corporal punishment is needed and can be effective as long as you follow three rules:

So tempted to reply to every hater comment with "SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH JENNIFER" but I'm a grown up.

I understood that to mean 10K of that 80K was donated by you. If that is indeed what you meant (I'm autistic so I tend to take things literally), then you're a damned saint. If it's 10 bucks even, you're still a saint because you gave everything you could, and you understand what it means to be human.

Oh boo fucking hoo. Even if she blew the fucking pope to get the vatican to endorse her game she didn't deserve the shit she got.

Am I the only one who thought Sofia's skit was satire? Clearly making fun of herself and the ridiculousness of having to use women so that people paid attention to the "boring segment" of all award shows? I think it's unfair that she's being targeted like this, especially after the ass parade that was the VMAs the

I honestly think that in this, Our Year of the Twerk, Nicki Minaj just went "You want wiggling butts? I'll give you wiggling butts. I'll give you the most ridiculous amount of butts you could ever imagine, and no one else will ever talk about any other butts ever again. And then I'll laugh my way out of the song all

"Gwyneth Paltrow took the ice bucket challenge..."

Ugh. Everyone knows you fake amnesia, not death! Gawd, millennials, get your shit together!

So, based on a video shot from the grandstand that you watched on your computer you can tell exactly what someone can see and what that person was thinking while said person is driving in traffic in a race car on a dark track? That's amazing! Can you tell me the powerball numbers too? I'll split it with you.

Here are the things that I don't get and can't understand why people are not bringing this up.

This "none of the other drivers hit Ward, so Steward must have done it on purpose" is like the stupidest argument ever. When Juan Pablo Montoya hit that fuel truck, none of the other drivers did, except JPM. So I guess he must have hit the truck on purpose?

For all the talk that Tony Stewart should never set foot in a race car again, I would like to remind you that...

Yeah, it was at lunch! I was stuck over working for a year in the Energy Corridor on an assignment. maybe that is why it seems small.