
I work at a hospital. I had an RN with a 90K bachelor's degree from Cedarville ask me which one was for diabetics—Sweet 'n Low, Equal, or Splenda.


Shut up.


I'm glad you like him.

I'm sorry; did I give you the impression that I'd watched the video?

I have many cool stories, and would be pleased to tell them to you. None of them involve quickly eating large amounts of junk food, which in this commenter's humble opinion, is dumb as fuck.

He had dyed his hair cow print.

And his music sucks. Saw one of his bands in Milwaukee in 1998 and fell asleep.

Brendan Kelly is an idiot poser.

Don't care.

I'm sorry; how is this better/different from Spotify? Seems like the same, only more expensive. Why would I switch?

Why does it have to be CG? Why does EVERYTHING have to be CG? Can't we have some traditional animation in new movies? Will another 2d animated film ever be made, or am I just old? (I'm not that old) I would also rather have muppets than CG characters in the new Star Wars.

Huh? That didn't even make sense. I would just like to know what's racist about those quotes.

Wow. Sick burn, dude.

A.V. is obsessed with racism lately.

Ouch, man! Jesus! Can't even state an opinion without being called a racist!

I dunno, man. Seems like a stretch to me. I haven't seen that movie… maybe it really does suck. They would know better than I would. Maybe no one really would care if it was made by an old white dude. Who are we to say?

Nothing in those quotes struck me as "awful" or "vaguely racist."

What's the pirate game!?