
I’m the co-founder of a small indie studio, and I wholeheartedly agree with this statement!

Holy hell. Complete logic and realistic views. Well said! 

If your game relies on a simple gaming mechanic and nothing else then I’m sorry for you but you’re screwed.

Yeah, any capacitive stylus will work. Then you’ll get the best of both worlds - improved graphics with superior controls.

I’m having a hard time feeling a lot of sympathy for used-game retailers ... an industry whose business model inherently hurts developers (and is one of several reasons why micro-transactions and loot boxes have become so prevalent).

The hat is there because people have learned that if you have some sort of reference point for your eyes (demonstrated best by the player having a beak in the middle of their face in the game Eagle Flight) it causes much less nausea. Should be togglable, but it’s a very useful addition.

I agree, very informative

He’s directly monetizing these playthroughs, and he could not have them without the games. I don’t think his use qualifies as fair use. Further, once he starts to damage their brand (by being racist and associated with their games), they have legs to stand on to remove his videos.

1. It’s not abuse until abuse is defined in a court of law.

not only is it OK, they should get a damn medal.

Last month, a lot of people were doubting there’d ever be an argument for including eSports in the Olympics. My point then was that this comes down to what the IOC thinks should be in the Olympics; appeals to the definition of sports or athletics fall flat. The Olympics includes borderline sports (synchronized

I thought I felt the same way, but I came out of this liking Rabbids.

It always disappoints me to see the statement that you need an absurdly-expensive computer to run the Rift. That article you referenced is well over a year old and a lot has changed since then. Check out to see what is currently on-offer (prices currently start at $799). If you

It always disappoints me to see the statement that you need an absurdly-expensive computer to run the Rift. That

I’d buy just for fun if it Nintendo had an ID system that let me swap my ID back and forth and I could download my purchased games on both systems accordingly.

Never liked the Blue Shell. It just feels cheap with no upside. If I’m leading the whole race, someone in 8th shouldn’t just be able to affect (only) me from a whole lap away.

I find that story hard to swallow....but then i did and took its power

Thank you! I have always thought(and still do!) that the 3D on it was good, maybe even great if done well(Bravely Default). I play almost every game with the 3D on and it has never once bothered me at all.

They aren’t obsessed with silly gimmicks, they are obsessed with trying new things. You should be GLAD that they are. Nearly every landmark innovation in video game hardware since 1985 has come from Nintendo. Without them you wouldn’t have:

Still love the 3D and nothing you can say will change my mind that it was a great feature. I take pride that my strong manly eyes could beat up your weak little baby headache causing eyes.