A Zelda game is never late. Nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.
A Zelda game is never late. Nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.
Can we just start calling this the best game ever? This gets released on time, with basically no bugs, and is essentially a huge physics sandbox.
Well it’s still higher than Microsoft and Sony’s lows then when you spent 500+ on a new system and the only way around their design flaws was to send it in and hope it didn’t still red ring/yellow light when you got it back. My point being this is far from the first or the worst bumpy console launch.
I agree with this - I did not care much at all for skyward sword... beat the first dungeon and never returned.
It’s almost as though it’s some kind of commentary on the pointlessness of collecting useless shit in video games...
Maybe Nintendo recognizes now that the people who would appreciate an instruction manual are now all adults, and we no longer get to read the instruction booklet in anticipation as our parents drive us home. Maybe if they did have instruction manuals, I’d call my mom and have her drive me to the store so I could jump…
I can’t apply enough stars to your comment.
A lot of people seem confused by the previous case outcome - as noted in the linked article above, the jury found that Oculus did not misappropriate trade secrets. The jury simply determined that Palmer Luckey had violated an NDA with ZeniMax which is why Occulus was ordered to pay $500 million.
Having developed professionally in Unreal, Unity, and Source, I like to compare them to cars.
you realize they have to pay people to do QC? it will just increase the submission price to the same as what they are proposing now.
You can’t. The sheer quantity of game submissions would be so overwhelming (and judging criteria so obtuse) that it’d be near impossible to curate. That’s Steam’s problem, it is simply too big to curate manually at this point.
As a PC gamer, I giggle anytime someone complains of a console being “underpowered.”
No man:
I hate how there are so many ways for game developers to get fucked over. Buying from G2A and the like, as well as buying used from GameStop, is bullshit. Buy new. Buy digital. Support the people who frequently work in shitty conditions, with shitty hours, and wobbly job stability to create the things you love.
Nice to know you can put in 2tbs when they release. With the game on carts I doubt you will need that much unless you buy only digital.
Nintendo and has solidified my theory that they are a company full of brilliant artists, designers and technicians that, at some point, got infiltrated by a mob of brain-damaged, glue-eating lemurs that somehow got entrusted with 50% of the company’s decision making.
The size comparison with the wiiu gamepad is cool on it’s own but also a bit misleading. I mean the WiiU gamepad had most of the guts in the base console station, not the gamepad. I find the switch way more fascinating when considering it has basically similar guts in there which took the wiiu a whole base station…
People are disappointed with the day 1 lineup, but having Bomberman, Zelda, and that Puyo Puyo Tetris game gives me 3 pretty cool games right off the bat!
Wasn't it? It looks like it fell out of Mass Effect. Really awesome design. Way better than the first Master System.