
I will agree with your agreement to them. Tactics is amazing but not a PS2 game lol.

Perhaps it’s because I never found Vaan as the focus character in the game. He was there and all but ya, never my focus. Tidus I found just annoying to bear witness to as he shambled through the world. His character felt like it was over acted at all times.

The world of X was done decently but I still find the way it

I’ve never said it was the best, Better then X IMO but not the best. VI still better than any by far I’ve always found but ya.

Apart from Vann (who is still leagues ahead of Tidus as a character) XII was all around better !IMO!

Reasoning is how god awful hand draggy X was. If you have not replayed it in a while then I suggest trying to play it again. If you ever thought XIII (I know it was never mention ) was linear then X should be its older

That was the only part of the game that even gave me a little issue when I had come across it (not including after game stuff) till I noticed the gun emplacement.

Tried quintcast potency 115 lightning magic on them at one point and it never did much and that’s what I thought there had to be a better way.

There is a machine gun emplacement on top of the scaffolding. They can’t hit you when the big robots appear and you just tear through them. You can blow parts off to get the vulnerable state and you kill them in short order.

And I don’t mean the cannon one on the ground that is junk.

Just as a FYI.

True it would be about -35C. I dunno, I hate cold and where I live in North Canada we get it rough at times. I’ve had -45C well before wind chill kicked in. I’ve watched the hydraulic lines on my machines blow apart in that cold lol.

Thats -31C not F in case you were wondering and as someone who lives in that it’s pretty cold. Even more so if that is just air temp before a wind chill factor.

You think having to do a random quest or even “farm” it is bad? Try behind Fury or Enhance. World Boss drop only from very specific world bosses. Non-Farmable. Kill boss and no drop? Wait weeks and weeks till the next one spawns that you can have a chance at. Still no drop? Wait again.

I will take buying or farming RNG

If anything it is a bit closer to that but done right. You get weapon experience by doing stuff and you get relics to up the items iLevel which also give +1 to one of the talents on the weapon. There is a talent tree in a sense on the weapon as well which is different then LOTRO’s. It has similar aspects but less

The system is a lot closer to Lord of the Rings “living” weapons then any of Guild Wars or FF14's system. I made fun of the warcraft artifact system hard when it was previewed but I oddly I really really like it.