
Couldn’t anyone go to Disney who owned Miramax? What is their culpability? Disney also owns ABC News where Mark Halperin worked and the sexual harassment cesspool that is ESPN. What does this say about the lack of oversight by Disney?

Disney owns ABC. Disney also owned Miramax during the majority of the harassment incidents against Weinstein (prior to 2005). Disney also owns the sexual harassment cesspool that is ESPN. When will anyone in the media begin to question wtf is wrong at Disney that this happens under their “have a magical day” watch?

I mean, she worked for a dictator with shitloads of human rights violations while preaching about feminism and empowerment when it serves HER and gives HER money, and then complained and rolled her eyes when people complained. I laugh when people buy into these celebrities “strong but relatable women” shtick.

So he was caught in the act and his sperm matches but his defense was supposed to be “but her mom is a greedy bitch”? So, the Polanski gambit.

another advice from aunt: don’t suck dick expecting to hit the jackpot and get financial freedom.

The only way HR departments of companies are going to behave properly with these kind of men is if doing so protects the bottom line more than brushing it under the rug. Because that’s what HR is for, protecting the bottom line from humans. I hope this moves that ball forward.

Laura is also very good, though noir not gothic.

Also, if that’s what you like, than you might enjoy Rome.

He may have a thing for strong black ladies. Remember Condie love?

Dubya was not very smart and made many a bad decision.

Sidenote, the Obamas and the Bushes are consistently adorable with each other and it warms my cold heart.

I miss every one of them, tbh. I never in my life until now worried about the country getting into a nuclear war. Or America losing all its allies and turning authoritarian. Or lots of other stuff. W wasn’t too smart but he never tried to destroy American government and divide its citizens over ramped up bullshit,

I miss George W. Bush.

I have some respect for people who admit they screwed up. It doesn’t change what they did - but I appreciate it a lot more than when people try to justify their prior bad acts.

Isn’t Meryl Streep saying she had no idea, if she didn’t know, I don’t know what to say.

I think he kind of says “...because I was a shitty person.”

I’m not really on board with insulting and shaming every employee that worked for this company. I work for an organization with 12,000 employees. The number who have any real interaction with our head is vanishingly small. And even if I knew he had a terrible temper and/or had affairs, I wouldn’t quit my job. I’m

Last night I learned a friend’s sister worked for HW. She hadn’t been working for him long before the scandal came out. This is very anecdotal but SHE and the few friends she had in the company did not know he was a rapist. They knew and experienced his temper but never sexual assault or harassment. It’s a very big

Nah that was just locker room talk.

Please. I have a friend who was a lower level assistant there from like 2004-20011. While she was not directly affected, she saw what was going on and brought her concerns to HR, who told her directly, “that’s just how Harvey is”. I’d like to hear people start coming forward and saying “... we knew. we thought it was