Exactly. The only way he could pull something like this off is if they didn’t tell him. Since he’s such a warm and devoted spouse, I’m sure he’d pick up on that right away. Hell, she may have taken off ages ago and no one’s noticed.
Exactly. The only way he could pull something like this off is if they didn’t tell him. Since he’s such a warm and devoted spouse, I’m sure he’d pick up on that right away. Hell, she may have taken off ages ago and no one’s noticed.
Nice to see a human life is worth 4-8 years in France.
Then why not put some of the victims on the cover if they want to be a “serious” news magazine? Fuck that arsehole. All they did was legitimize that terrorist and sanctify him to the weirdos that find murderers appealing.
Yeah, I’m still pissed off about that, too. Even though I am a subscriber, I am a Bostonian, and, man, really? Really?
Whoever invented that elfin/pixie hairdo for men with the little pointed wing up top should be shot.
Take your fivehead and your botox and your hair gel and fuck off, dude.
Dude, I don’t enjoy your purposefully-mussed and gelled hair, I don’t enjoy your edgy biker jacket, and I don’t enjoy your old-guy-with-a-young-shtick shtick. I most certainly, then, will not enjoy your dick.
Damn, he was one of the better designers in talent heavy season.
I’m sorry, but there is absolutely no way she did not know. It’s been Hollywood’s worst kept secret for awhile now.
She was complicit until it started to cost her money. Just like most of them.
I have absolutely no doubt that Georgina knew exactly what Harvey was doing and didn’t even blink until it threatened her business.
I want to give her the benefit of the doubt but it’s hard not to see this as a calculated move. I mean the story broke last Thursday and it wasn’t until today that people started writing about how Marchesa wouldn’t survive this....
Only move to potentially salvage Marchesa. Makes sense.
Right. NOBODY *just* found this out. It’s literally impossible that these people were unaware. I have lived in LA for the past 10+ years - not in the industry, and am generally the one with my head up my ass at parties when people talk about all the industry gossip. But this? I’ve been hearing about this since I got…
THIS!!!! I really want to know more about his relationship to her. Were all those blind items right?
Will people finally publicly admit that 98% of Marchesa dresses are ugly? There is no there there? Funding Georgina Chapman’s busywork career is just another way HW exerts control over women.
It will be delicious when that label goes away.
Considering that many of these incidents happened during the time Disney owned Miramax, I think that Disney should own up to a lot of the responsibility.