
The only thing that sounds bad about this gig is the kids.

5 nannies have left the role in the last year, each citing supernatural incidents as the reason...

I’m okay with Barb being gone. I accept this.

How do I describe Camille Cosby? As an enabler who was skilled at looking the other way while her husband violated women. Someone who put her own personal comfort and wealth before all else. A woman who somehow managed to stomach staring down the dinner table at a more vile predator than most people will meet in a

Camille Cosby seriously needs to kick rocks, especially considering she was complicit in this.

Camille can fuck right off along with her shitbag husband.

I firmly believe in the “don’t be a dipshit” rule of international travel. Going to North Korea for tourism is a complete and utter dipshit move. Doesn’t mean he deserved to die—he did not. It is, however, an unsurprising consequence.

That he said “all the fancy lawyering” in his closing says that the DA really knows how to close. He was having a conversation with the jury, he was speaking inclusively, like they were all on the same team, and he likely connected with them. I think this guy did a great job. I LOVE good lawyers!

Mister Rogers. That a man like him lived is comforting.

Regardless of the outcome (and I certainly hope Cosby will be convicted), the prosecution’s argument is a step in the right direction. Constand and Cosby’s other 50 or so victims deserve whatever slivers of justice they can get.

I for one, cant wait to see the look on the face of this predator when he is convicted. And I can’t bear to think about how the women that he preyed upon will continue to be insulted and mentally assaulted by those that have continued to stand beside him and minimize his behavior.

The tragedy isn’t this man’s fall from grace, it’s that he was able to make us believe that he was, in fact, Heathcliff Huxtable, when it was just another character he played. He’s been doing it his whole life, and now we get to see who he really his. He’s not a mentor, he’s not a family man, he’s just another Goddamn

I don’t think as it reads, that it rises to the bar of the legal definition of “obstruction.” However, I was very fascinated by the extreme coercion that was occurring. The behavior on Trump’s part - isolating Comey and creating one-on-one instances where he confronts and attempts to intimidate him (with no witnesses)

They do when he corroborated immediately to his superiors and so far as one can be expected in a he said/he said situation. Further, his testimony is considered “true” upon his swearing-in unless they catch him in an untruth/perjury. Comey has never been accused of lying under oath before. This is the same rationale

I like the fact that Comey was very clear that he felt the need to document right away. That he knew Trump was dancing around asking for something that was shady as hell and that Comey needed to make sure he had a timeline of interactions right from the beginning.

This is classic grooming tactics used by predators, and he appears to have been very good at it. It made me ill just reading this. It’s the same story over and over and over again from each of these women. The whole fixation on an orgasm (the implication that she invited the rape) is the sickest thing about this.

I want her to receive justice for herself and all of those who never will.

Andrea Constand is so brave. And what I got from her testimony is that Cosby spent a long time grooming her. His fixation on the fact that she had an involuntary orgasm when he violated her is disgusting. 

Good for her. She deserves a lot of credit for her response to the attack and her attempt to push through all of it to provide some normality for her fans.

I enjoyed it very much, even though as an old I had to look at the marquee to see who the hell was getting such a big cheer. (One Direction guy, I’m looking at you.)