
With a tweet? Anyone who did something like she did would at least result in the authorities doing a quick check-in. Trump isn’t forcing CNN et. al. to fire her. When they lock her up without cause, then talk to me about them “trying to ruin her.”

She was either too stupid to realize that this would damage the cause or too thirsty to care. Either way, I am not here for this bullshit.

Definitely never Team Trump, but I think this is one of those times when I don’t have to be on either side because they are both wrong.

Ted’s career consisted entirely of living in the Fox News and right wing nutjobbery ecosystem already

Go the everloving Christing monkeyfuck away Kathy, you indefensible moron. Stop generating more headlines about this bullshit non-issue that your stupid ass unnecessarily created and giving Trump a hand-knitted distraction from his Russian entanglements.

You couldn’t be doing him a bigger favor if you tried, you

So every week there are public readings of Hubbard writings, like a “coffeehouse” setting at the Scientology Center. Elizabeth Moss was appearing regularly at them up through Mad Men as a special guest and performing with other notable members. So, sure, she was born into it, and we don’t have to “punish” her

Yeah I am not really buying the whole “but she was born into it!” excuse I keep seeing. It’s a cult that brainwashes people, ruins lives and tears apart families? How about we just not employ members of Scientology at all since it continues to normalize it as a religion. Like did we all freak out after the HBO

Listen, I don’t like Trump, but the more you people criticize every little breath he takes the less people will care about the actual things he does wrong.

They ARE losers.

I’ve lived in the UK for a long time, and Brits are generally kind, but Northerners are very kind. They’re not soft spoken and they’re blunt, but they would be incredibly kind to children in this situation. Manchester is a big city, but people behave as though they are in a small town.

It takes a very special type of coward to volunteer to blow up kids. I cannot even imagine the beyond fucked up mindsets that did this. Fuck them, fuck all of them that were involved.

“Huh, I never heard of that one.”

This feels, in part (and not wholly at all!) what happens when we actually shift everything to “the internet” and forget that actual work and things need to occur in addition to the no-work hype on social media.

don’t you mean “Lord of the Flyes”?

The strategy here (from my cynical standpoint) is obvious:

I feel like it should go to the family of Odin Lloyd. Fair is fair.

The world is a better place without this classless scumbag in it.

My takeaway:

Must have been hard not to be tempted by that amount.