Dying when he did was a great career move for both of them.
Dying when he did was a great career move for both of them.
Im sure it was quite a fairy tale to have a husband who fucked anything with a pulse and had his brains deposited on her face.
Really tho, Angelina Jolie sounds like a horrible person. I know she’s reinvented herself over the last few years but good lord - drama.
Or solving cold cases like the Isabelle Stewart Gardner Museum theft.
Gosh, they’re both so gorgeous in this photo.
i cant believe fallon still hasnt gone to rehab
But then why throw a baby shower at all? You can’t throw one for just the dad, no matter what your reasoning is for wanting to avoid the mother. This isn’t a birthday party.
I watched the very beginning of the show. Rob was going to USC for business and really wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps, entertainment really wasn’t his thing. He seemed a little dragged into the show.
Yea I knew about all the mess with Blac Chynna and Tyga, but it seems that Rob’s been treated like shit by the rest of his family before all that came to pass.
Like what would be the point of even throwing the shower!? They are ass holes!
I actually kinda love it. Good for him. It’s a fucked up thing to do.
Of course a spoiled teenager made of plastic did this shitty thing. This is like means girls a few years later. If you’re not going to invite the woman who is having the baby to the baby shower, don’t be the one to throw it. I feel like Kim or Kourtney (not Khloe though, the petty brat) would have probably smiled…
That is seriously awful to throw a baby shower and not invite the mother though. I’d be LIVID if I was Rob.
To be fair, Jenny McCarthy is also gross.
admittedly though -- that is some shit -- i would not be happy with my family if they behaved that way too.
i kinda wanna text her and be like, “girl. tyga? naw.”
We have many friends who work for humanitarian organizations and travel frequently to dangerous areas.
None of them take their kids along for the experience unless the whole family is relocated for a long-term field assignment.
As a parent, you should be communicating your values and thoughts on daily basis, without…
Not wanting your kids in a war zone is a legit complaint.
You can “enhance” a child’s worldview without putting them in the middle of an active war zone.
I’m all for expanding a kid’s worldview, but Syria is a literal active war zone. If i were in Pitt’s situation, I’d voice some very definite concerns about putting my children in harm’s way as well. We’re not talking about falling off a bike, nobody disputes that people are getting killed regularly and with great…