
at least from what I have read so far.

I’ve loathed Chrissy since her pro-slut-shaming Twitter rant a few years, so I’m incredibly uncomfortable with the fact that so many Jezzies are perpetually on her and John Legend’s jock. Though I do think she is right about omitting vocal pauses in interviews.

Behold! The majestic Norwegian Forest Cat. They are much larger and fluffier than normal cats, allowing them to cover much more of your keyboard when they flop over on it.

That article was VERY interesting. It certainly makes me skeptical of everything (from both of their camps) that has leaked since news broke. Including this. One thing is for sure though, Jolie is a master and she’t not going to pull any punches.

Psshhh if I’m flying with 17 children you best believe i’m getting wasted and blabbering incoherently, since when does that make me a “Bad Parent.”

Is she having another seizure?

Oh so that’s what happened when they left the attic.

He must have gotten a glimpse of that portrait he keeps locked up in the basement. I bet his soon to be ex wife drew the black curtain back to spite him, or had one of her servants do it.

As my parents always said: Lying is worse than telling the truth because it’s so hard to keep all your lies straight.

Yep. Calling friends over while you’re waiting for the police to arrive was a huge red flag to me. Hey everyone, we’re grieving, witness our grief!

Having watched this and read about all of the other facts through the years (a few good podcasts as well) I just don’t think the intruder angle works. Especially the ransom note. I think Patsy took it to her grave tbh. The murder seemed like a cover up and the scene itself was staged. Perhaps Burke did something and

no way - he cheated? like how he cheated on Jen with Angie? No! i just can’t believe it.

My Nana always said, “You finish how you start”

He let the kids eat a few cookies that weren’t certified organic, non-GMO, fair-trade, locally sourced and made, no added sugar, gluten-free, soy-free, tree nut-free and dairy-free.

Somewhere a childless (by choice or not, ain’t nobodies busniess) Jen Aniston sleeps till 9:30, gets a massage and is enjoying a HOT coffee in her 2 million thread bathrobe from the GOOP site when she glances down to her iPhone 7 to a text from her BFF Courtney filing her in on the details. Jen calls to the help to

Cheaters gonna cheat. Sad for their 1 million adorable children.

The bizarre thing is each found the other too sanctimonious to tolerate.

I’m honestly surprised they’ve lasted this long.

I dunno. I’d hit it.

I got him a lovely gold frame from IKEA. He deserves it.