
Um, he didn't make a world for his mother — he created a doorway to a void, where she could create her own universe.

A bit of a stretch.

How could he Nazi this coming?

Still doesn't explain why Notre Dame and USC were playing in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve.

Tilted Kilt and Twin Peaks are a bit higher end on the food (and more expensive). The food at Twin Peaks is actually fairly good, and the beer taps are super cold.

Hooters is banking on their new chain relying upon the quality of their food, and I for one think that is a good bet.

Oh look, more prejudiced ignorance. Shocker.

Give it a rest. They are not speaking English amongst themselves. They in reality are speaking in their native tongues. Film is obviously primarily a visual medium. Reading subtitles distracts attention. This is a pretty simple concept. The narrative you are pushing is one you have concocted to fit your biased,

The Christmas Special does not give me much hope for the second season. It is an hour of plodding story and shitty dialogue. Aml Ameen's Capheus was the best part of the series. His replacement is a dull shadow of the original.

"The Women and Women First segments that are filmed at In Other Words are trans-antagonistic and trans-misogynist and have only become more offensive as the show goes on. ‘LOL Fred Armisen in a wig and a dress’ is a deeply shitty joke whose sole punchline throws trans femmes under the bus by holding up their gender

The Heath Bar Blizzard is the GOAT, and you have it languishing in the bottom half of your rankings. All that lovely prose, wrapped around a bullshit center. You all should burn in Hell.

I actually kind of enjoyed Wild Wild West. I don't regard it as haute cinema. But it was a pretty fun flick.

Except that free speech has not been subverted. The First Amendment does not indemnify an individual from damages caused by an irresponsible release of information. It only guarantees the right of the individual to make that error in judgment.

The only differences between the Bumblebee Camaro and the stock 2016 Camaro are some pretty minor cosmetic ones. All I can see is a new front grill and some added ground effects.

That 'Maro is on point, you guys.

It's a bit of a cop out on AV's part to blame the plot or the writing. Lettuce be honest, there are not many original stories out there. The ones that are, end up just being bad films (Sharknado). We could pick apart the the consensus greatest films of all time enough to make people believe they suck. No, Avatar is a

Nope. It's just that he knew he couldn't control her. He did not want her to know that, so he portrayed a desire to have her join him of her own free will as a ruse to cover up his weakness.

That scene was far too anticlimactic for Glenn to really have died. His real death will be much more dramatic and meaningful.

This will just amp up how pissed off people are when they really do kill off Glenn.

That's the weird thing about putting creative works out in public — they are subject to critique.