Tara Penick

And, if you don’t know what it’s like to have the entire world openly criticize, judge, throw uninformed opinions,

What is the best case scenario for either North or South Korea when it comes to unification? When you think about it, it’s an unfeasible nightmare for either side. For South Korea to eventually govern a fallen north democratically with a significant stunting population with no education or knowledge of the outside

Thank you for doing the author’s job for them. They seemed content to be a hyperbolic bomb thrower, and made their primary argument without any sources or examples leaving it open to easy, lazy rebuttal. The kind of tired and counter-productive shit-stirring that this network has been engaging in more and more.

A little history on Trump that everyone should know: he is a massive failure in life, and almost no one will trust him or represent him. For some insane reason, the electoral college and the Republican Party chose him knowing that no bank, at all, in the entire USA, will loan him money because he is in massive debt.

Kids in bed, indictments in hand...

I read Seth Abramson’s analysis of the indictment and Papadopolous follow-up and he was quick to point that Trump stopped tweeting about all this very shortly after the news about Papadopolous broke.


Donny, bubbie, you’re the fucking President. You’re the one you are yelling at to “DO SOMETHING”. Sooooo, DO SOMETHING, or shut the fuck up.

As cliché as it sounds, I love this country. This country gave refuge to my entire family, and I will be grateful for as long as I live. And entirely understand that this country has not been as generous or as good to other peoples. I was not brought here in chains nor were my people indigenous and decimated, and

OMG! I saw, and read about, that. People literally thought it was two different things - Obamacare and ACA. I was truly in disbelief at the pure stupidity of America. But then Trump winning became all that more clear to me.

I love you guys. Unabashedly.

That’s what I’m taking away from this.

No no no, he’s just the living embodiment of hate.