
(I asked my husband about this so these are more or less his words re:military questions). If you have a college degree you can come in as an officer or enlisted. In years past if you had a degree you would come in as an officer. Now, since so many people with college degrees are unemployed, they decide to join the

I believe I previously wrote that I understand that some people shouldn’t be in military service. I know there are plenty of people who are in the military who probably don’t belong there, as there are people in every job who definitely should have chosen different career paths. I just think it was gross to describe

Exactly. People can argue about the physical standards being set too low but referring to people who are trying to serve as “useless” is cruel.

Thanks for a heads up! I took a cursory look at their commenting history and rolled my eyes.

I’m team Max Medina (for Lorelai obviously,but just wanted to be clear). I think I’m the only one who feels that way. At least some people agree with you. I think Rory should have dated that grad student she had a crush on in that season 7 episode. The one where said grad student fills in for Richard’s class. But I am

This is perfect. Thank you for this. Also wanted to say he IS part of the establishment he so shuns. He’s a senator for crying out loud. I think part of why Hillary Clinton gets so much criticism for seeming “not relatable” is because if she acted in any way like the politicians who are considered “relatable” then she

For what it’s worth I am married to a service member. He does everything he can for his guys and does not sit around and complain about how “useless” they are or were. Sure there are plenty of people who aren’t fit for military service but the way you frame it sounds so condescending. Also if they were already in your