Ugh, really?

airguns are still illegal in New York city.

He was charged with being in possession of an air gun, if I recall from the article.

This is sarcasm, right?

I figured at a young age that painting a real gun’s tip with bright colorful paint should also be really easy. Never actually tried, tho.

People can just paint the tip of their real gun orange.

Yep, there’s been nothing gun related in the news lately that would cause this kind of concern. Nothing at all. Nope. Not a thing.

Lol, seriously, who the fuck cares? My avatar looks nothing like me either. What about fat people? Why aren’t they clamoring for more character creation options? Oh that’s right, because normal people don’t give two shits what the digital representation of their character looks like in a FREE-TO-PLAY, MOBILE VIDEO
