
It’s okay if she’s happy and satisfied, but not as happy and satisfied as REAL moms.

It’s funny that some are outraged, but it’s fucking hilarious how some people on here are COMPELLED to repeat all those variations of “yes but it isn’t the same, it really isn’t (we’re better than her”).

This! My mother and younger sister enjoy the occasional jab at childless-by-choice me.

Woman wastes potential as vessel, narrow-minded idiots lose their freakin minds.

Eh. I’m a mom and I have no problem with her choice of wording. She is doing more “mothering” than some women do who are biologically mothers, so yeah. I can get behind calling what she does parenting.

Some (many many) kids aren’t lucky enough to have the person that birthed them, parent them. Whether that’s due to drugs or just life. Lots of children in America raise themselves. Having a mentor in those situations is parenting a lot of the time. You might not be kissing booboos and tucking the kid in but nobody is.

On one hand, no she is not literally a mother. However, I am rolling my eyes so hard at the concept of ‘mother’ being a protected group who are offended by her appropriation of their experience or whatever. 99.999% of the planet would have no problem understanding what she means, there is no need for a reminder that

You’re obviously meeting your parental obligations in an inspiring way that many here would have envied in our own childhoods. But a terrible parent is still a “parent” in name. Being a parent actually does mean you can support only exceptional young people (not necessarily your children, or not necessarily your only

Something tells me that all these “real” moms who are bitching about Cattrall are the sorts of moms whose children will be in desperate need of a mentor or cool aunt some day.

Here’s the thing that’s different about what she does than what a parent does. If you’re a parent the child/ren never leave. Nobody fills your spot long-term.

I’ve had so many friends with terrible parents who would have loved to have a person like Cattrall in their lives to give them love, support and guidance. Biology =/= good parenting.

Yes. The weird competion that seems to be involved in being a “mother” these days is just strange. People have their own idea of what a “mother” is so just accept it - life moves on in many ways.

As a person who works with foster children and have had the opportunity to meet “parents” who don’t deserve the title, I’m not really mad. You meet enough kids with PTSD from abusive parents and you’ll start to see the importance of motherly and fatherly types who actually provide love and support for children even if

How dare she call herself maternal with her barren womb?!

Uuuuugh... The ironic thing is that she probably phrased it that way because there’s So. Much. pressure on women to become mothers that she felt she had to frame her relationships with young people in that way.

I agree with her. You can be a mother/mother figure without being there from day one or being necessarily called that.

I have no problem with what she’s saying. She’s giving nurturing support to others, and one doesn’t have to carry a child in one’s uterus to do that. Nor are the women who do give birth to a child automatically entitled to the sobriquet “mother” - there are “mothers” who will abuse or neglect their children, or will

Idk, I’m a mom and this doesn’t bother me at all. What she says makes sense. More importantly though, her discussing her interpretation of motherhood doesn’t take away at all from my being a mom to my kid. IMO the world needs more people like her who help to nurture other humans. It takes a village, etc etc...

I have a bonus mom (I’m lucky to still be best friends with my childhood best friend) and sisters. They are truly my family - and this is no affront to my biological mom and family. I love that I grew up in this little village of sorts, where there was always an adult around that I trusted, who loved me and looked out

“Mother” is a vast word with layered meanings. There are people who birth children who are not fit to call themselves mothers, and yet they do. Congrats to Kim Cattrall for seeming to understand the true meaning.