My father has never in his life touched me like this. This is absolutely not normal.
My father has never in his life touched me like this. This is absolutely not normal.
My mom would’ve totally dressed me in something like this. I think it’s pretty cute actually. What’s so mini tramp-y about it? The fact that one shoulder is showing? The color? It’s not showing any skin or anything. Trump is a raging creep, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what she’s wearing.
Thank you for that advice-seriously, it’s not often that I come across kind strangers on the Internet. I try to appreciate every moment of my 20s since I’m beginning to realize how quickly time goes. I have a 33 year old brother and he tells me that all the time, but hearing how fast one’s twenties go from someone…
Hey! I’m 22 and I love Radiohead (and so do most of my other friends) and I’m most definitely not a mother!
Are you talking specifically about homicides involving guns? Because we actually don’t have sufficient research on gun violence. The NRA has blocked the CDC from conducting research on gun violence for 20 years.
Yes, you can become better at public speaking, but some people are simply naturally gifted public speakers while others are not. You can practice and practice and pay all the money in the world, but you still might not hold a candle to those who have the natural ability to speak well in public. It’s the same with any…
My parents are both Latino- as in both were born and raised in South America by Latinx parents. I, however, was born in the United States after my parents came here. I am absolutely Latina. You don’t get to decide what’s Latino enough to be considered truly Latino. I don’t pretend to perfectly understand the struggle…
Dump him
Okay, but that’s not what happened, as Taylor clearly demonstrates. If she had come out and said exactly what you just said about initially consenting and then regretting her decision about submitting to a power hungry man baby, then sure I’d support her 100%. Instead she gave some bullshit excuse about the word…
Well maybe that’s how things worked at your high school, but that was not my high school experience at all- but that’s besides the point. You’re talking about diversity in regards to friend groups and who people hang out with. That’s not what people mean when they talk about the necessity for diversity in the…
So do you only care about diversity when it gives you an ability to bash liberals? Because newsflash: conservatives are even worse with diversity. Some liberals don’t always practice what they preach, but that shouldn’t mean we give up on striving to eliminate inequality and discrimination altogether. Instead we…
40 percent of SNAP recipients are white, making white people the largest group on food stamps. 30 percent of TANF recipients are white, 30% are black, 30% are Latino, and the other 10% is comprised of other racial groups. Also, you know that most people on welfare already have jobs, right? So no, it’s just just the oh…
GOOD GOD I literally just fucking screamed “NOOOO” so loudly that my dogs jumped off the bed
check out You and Me by Penny & The Quarters
I’m a 22 year old woman (girl?) and starting looking at porn at age 11, mostly out of curiosity. It hasn’t influenced my view of sex in a negative way (that I know of...) and I’m still capable of getting off with partners. I also haven’t developed any “inconvenient or dangerous” fetishes. Most of my kinks are pretty…
I’m not really sure what you’re saying? What you just reiterated is kind of my point- that trying to educate and engage in civil conversation with the oppressors doesn’t work and expecting the oppressed to keep doing so is exhausting. It’s not the responsibility of the oppressed to educate the oppressors, especially…
They don’t though; they do a great job explaining exactly what I just said. Sorry that those being oppressed aren’t doing a good enough job explaining their oppression to their oppressors by your standards. It’s not BLMs job to talk treat white people with kid gloves, ensure that they aren’t hurting white people’s…
It’s because other lives are typivally already treated like they matter. Black lives, however, are not treated valuably in our society. Also, the focus is on black people and their experience with oppression. That’s why it’s Black Lives Matter. It’s not about All lives because 1) white people are already the most…
Although we knew this would happen eventually, it still makes me so happy