ugh burn it all down

you applaud voting for someone who can’t/won’t come out and admit that vaccines don’t cause autism? I can understand hating Clinton and Trump, but don’t act like the Green party is any less politically craven. They just have fewer backers to appease.

I can’t co-sign the opinion of anyone who thinks WHOA should be spelled “WOAH”

Yes, and the millions of people who bought it and put 100+ hours into the game also thought it was “good enough.” No game is going to be perfect. Destiny obviously wasn’t, but it was (and is!) extremely fun for what it is. If anything at this point Bungie should be commended for the grind they have put in to get it

ehh, except Jill Stein is leading a party with an official stance that the jury is out on whether we should vaccinate our children. I understand there’s more nuance to her position about scheduling and whatever, but they’re perfectly safe. And if she’s just adopting that position because your average Green party

This is why HSAs should be open to all people regardless of what plan they’re on. If medical care is a necessity then buying it shouldn’t be taxed. Tying HSAs to high deductible plans just makes the high deductible easier to sell. My benefits admin even tried to suggest that the HSA was a benefit they were offering,

Because a $4,000 deductible is insane, especially if you have a family plan and you’re still one car accident or serious diagnosis away from a massive medical bill. And god forbid you have the misfortune of needing one procedure in December and another in January. I doubt your HSA will be refilled by then.