
No, you’re confusing Cleveland with Cincinnati.

As opposed to your lack of self awareness of the uselessness of your comments?

We do not get the government we expect. We get the government we deserve. Sorry, buddy, this is the best of what’s around.

The voters have chosen exactly what each slickly packaged general-election Republican candidate has winked and dog-whistled and hinted he secretly was in my whole entire goddamn lifetime. They’ve chosen what apparatchiks like William Kristol have spent the past 25 years pretending Ronald Reagan wasn’t.

Continuing the Oscars’ time-honored tradition of belatedly honoring respected stars by giving them an Oscar for their LEAST impressive work.


Nah, needs more racism.

Needs more screaming at teachers.

I wasn’t offended, personally, but I was shocked that Fouts, a guy who used to do MNF and who is highly professional if unspectacular, would let a joke around CTE slip out on a Super Bowl broadcast.

That depends. How much Barbasol can you use in a year?

I’m glad someone other than me actually heard this, and I’m surprised it took so long to make it’s way to story form. It was really, really not good and quite unlike Fouts.

People who drive around in convertibles with the top down and the windows rolled up look stupid, right?

Because Texas.

Who do you think is taking the picture?

How much are we talking here?

This. Shad is really struggling.

1) There is a live sports rights bubble. Not sure if you’ve noticed this. Live sports are the only thing advertisers are guaranteed to get people’s eyes in front of, more or less.

The Rams are an AFC team?

Think of people who bought expensive houses, have some equity but are living paycheck to paycheck.

The biggest beneficiary of the Chargers moving to Los Angeles is the NFL. With one team from both conferences, it enhances the value of both the AFC and NFC television contracts for the next round of negotiations. Both conferences now have a team in Market #2. Neither did before.