
Anything that can absorb resin can be a strong material. They normally make surfboards out of styrofoam for goodness sake.

Hell, fiberglass is actual glass in resin. Things don’t get much more fragile than glass, yet I haven’t seen any articles about Cars being made out of glass.

So it’s a laminate wood derived board?

Their first episode had better involve them determining what car is the best to handle warehouse duties, transportation, and delivery duties of a package.

I can tell you from experience that people that crack racist jokes are actually the LEAST racist people in the world.

“I can tell you from experience that people that crack racist jokes are actually the LEAST racist people in the world.”



Except that 8 and 10 both have a button that reads “airplane mode”, so drop the pedantry.

My Windows 8 machines have a toggle labelled “Airplane Mode”. Click the network graph in the system tray, the charm bar pops open and at the top is the Airplane Mode setting. Switch it off and it does the same as it does on your phone.....turns off anything that creates an external signal (wi-fi, bluetooth, etc.).

Finally, a chance for Clarkson to wear the shoe polish on his face he’s been wanting to wear for years!

Thats fantastic reasoning. It’s incredible. It’s something a 4 year old would come up with.

Never even crossed my mind to check if I could change the font. Just don’t care that much. Figured others didn’t either. It’s fucking email.

Tell them kids of today classrooms had no roof. And in winter you’d keep your pen up your ars to keep the ink from freezing. What public schools are starting to look like again.

The sun dinosaurs would go extinct.

“Here, read this script.”

Looks like mead’s back on the menu, boys!

That’s what you get for taking selfies when a T-1000 was on your tail.

Haven’t we seen something like this before......

Please don’t fire your gun into the sky trying to shoot down a drone.