The year 2002 the battle’s filled with the Wu
The year 2002 the battle’s filled with the Wu
This is accurate.
Hi! SonicFox is non-binary and their prefered pronoum is they/them/their, so don’t call them a he. Good day!
Bernie needs to stop using the word “socialism” because a) he’s not a socialist, he’s a social democrat, and b) saying “socialism” loses presidential elections in the US because you have to appeal to a majority to win.
I wish the Democrats would invest more in the South. Alabama is 30% nonwhite and with 25% - 30% of the white vote they would will more. I hope Bloomberg blesses Jones with some of that ad money because he’s going to need it. If it’s Sessions would just go full on he’s the first racist Trump doesn’t love.
The USA was founded on genocide by slave-owners, I’d personally rather not return to that particular moral compass.
I’m in OH District 3 and Morgan Harper is the real deal. She is actively building a grassroots coalition of folks across our (wildly gerrymandered) district and she puts people over profit.
Fun fact: If Jeri Ryan’s husband at the time hadn’t been so thirsty about having his weirder sexual proclivities satisfied, we never would have gotten Obama as president.
You shouldn’t! There’s no point in beating Trump if this is the way to do it, (and newsflash, he’s not going to beat Trump anyway!)
My 4 year old got in trouble at daycare for telling another kid "I'm going to poop in your butt". While I respect the fervency of his position, the execution leaves much to be desired, but what are you gonna do...the kid's 4. I don't know what Joan's excuse is.
We can all take some small measure of solace knowing that at least for whatever amount of time you spent writing this, you weren't writing something else.
Tell that to all the grown men who are still crying actual tears about Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi.
According to exit polls, Klobuchar trounced Warren among college-educated white women, the demographic Warren has courted with immense success throughout the primary season.
As someone who caucused for Bernie in 2016, then vocally supported and voted for Hillary (while holding my nose), this is a very satisfying moment. Now, Bernie wasn’t my first choice this time around — I think he pushed the field far enough to the left that there were plenty of candidates to support with similar…
I can’t believe Pete Buttigieg’s plan to 40 under 40 his way to the White House because he read The Secret is actually working.
Watching $1 and $5 donations roll in during his speech Saturday night made me emotional. So. Many. Broke. People. But still willing to throw that $1 in. People that haven't really ever donated anything.
I’m not sure they GO anywhere. They simply disengage. And I totally get it.
This is the kind of insanely disproportionate reaction that I hope this documentary explores. Michael Vick tortured and killed dogs, and he served jail time. And your response to this is to advocate for racial genocide.
I’ll get shit for it, but I’d rather vote for the old white guy who has remained more-or-less consistent in his left-wing views over a pretend, feel-good shallow veneer of progress disguising the same neoliberal, center-right bullshit.