
So much like Idiocracy, where the number 1 film is just called “Ass”.

Such a shame that it got cancelled like that - it’s such a fun, joyous and wholesome show.  Really helped soothe frayed nerves during the height of the pandemic.

Don’t blame the left for this.  This is straight up shitlib bullshit.  

You’ve never heard of  “Fair St. Louis” or the “America’s Birthday” parade? 

This is without a doubt the absolute dumbest thing. Pretty much every tradition older than 10 years in this goddamn country has racist roots, because duh, this country was founded by racists and slave owners, and that’s always who’s held the levers of power.

What we should be talking about is the fact that this whole

The very idea of “Costco influencers” is a great way of wrapping one’s head around Marx’s concept of the commodity fetish.

The singular “they” is a long accepted usage, and doesn’t always mean a group of people. If you see someone in the distance and can’t make out who they are, for example, you might say “look how far away they are”.

So why aren’t the democrats working to move the overton window on this, so that the word itself doesn’t feel dangerous and wrong to a large swath of the public?

lol you’ve never ridden the subway in NYC, have you? Here’s a typical interaction if you happen to “need” them.

You explain the issue, they write a few things down in a notebook to make it look like they’re doing something, shrug their shoulders, give you contact info for the precinct and say “we’ll see what we can

I can’t tell what’s more embarassing- being an adult Disney fanatic, or stanning for political hacks.

I’m just here to see anyone with the last name Cheney humiliated on a national stage.  

Collins will drop her “centrist” bullshit really quickly if it came to that.  She’ll give a speech calling for forced sterilization of all immigrants if she thinks it’ll get her back into the Senate.

And if anyone tries to say “but he tried to make amends, he’d found God!” you can show them this:

Let it live on in your memory, because I don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve hit up a wawa but they’re selling cheeseburgers now, and the deli meats now come in subway style packaging, no one’s slicing up turkey, and they’re certainly not using Amaroso rolls anymore. And their coffee was never all that great,

If you haven’t seen the documentary “Boogie Man” about Lee Atwater, you should absolutely seek it out.  It’ll make you want to piss on his grave.

Brain tumor.  

“We need someone more...intersectional to explain why we needed to to a double tap drone strike on a wedding.”

That’s a very low bar, Cruz spent a week shitting himself about Dr. Seuss.

Yeah it definitely smacks of “I just hired a designer to make me look like I read”.

The CIA’s had plenty of mealy mouthed liberals who’ll drone bomb a wedding but “feel real bad about it”.