
I know Deep Cover best from being sampled by De La Soul. “You shouldn’t have done that!”

Ok but do you still have to do that impossibly annoying race mission? I remember that taking FOREVER to complete.

We’re living in a Situationist prank.

Social media is basically a Situationist prank at this point - only it’s one that has gone way, way too far.  

Why is there so much blame for 5% of the voters when Michigan had a 65% total turnout? If the DNC could have motivated 10% more people to even bother to vote, wouldn’t that have completely wiped out a disgruntled 5%?

This shit is also all over any psychedelic online spaces as well.  

Well if there’s one thing the Democrats are proving this year is that they’re wholly uninterested in appealing to anyone to the left of George Bush.

Found the J. Cole fan.

Followed up by Gary Webb’s “suicide” after writing extensively about it.

I think the dude who played Clark’s dad (former Dukes of Hazzard guy) had a lot of thoughts about PC culture and “Judeo-Christian Heritage” but maybe I’m wrong.

Right album wrong tune.  The tune in the trailer is Eclipse.

I’ll ask, along with all the others - is there anything you DO like, or is complaining about things the only thing you like to do?

Hell, most of the Democratic leadership has gotten in on that action too.  

The entire movie hammers home the point that Zucc is an unrepentant asshole who’ll walk all over everyone to succeed and somehow you’re making the person calling him an asshole into the villain?

There’s definitely a reason we’ve never seen Christina and William together right? We looking at a Hannah Montana situation?

What r-word? Rapscallions? 

Came here to say the same thing.  Cops and Klan go hand in hand, after all.

Sir, this is an Arby’s staffed entirely by transdimensional machine elves, we need you to leave.


Oh it’s ABSOLUTELY “meathead d&d”.