
I cried my way through a very powerful (but thoroughly enjoyable) mushroom trip about 4 months ago now (holy shit we’ve been in lockdown forever) and it helped tremendously.  I’ve eaten more recently too, my partner and I had a fun little time a couple weeks ago on a couple grams each.  Just chatting and chilling and

For about $150 and two months time you can have a basically never ending supply of mushrooms, without dealing with any sketchy characters.

You’re forgetting something rather important here- the folks out protesting aren’t out there because they want to be, they’re out there because they have a moral obligation to be there.  No one has a moral obligation to drink at a bar or workout (both activities that you can do without the bar or the gym).  There’s a

I’m confused- this was an effective way of confusing the pigs so they weren’t charging, because being caught on film beating an obviously unarmed, unclothed woman would be way too much for a lot of America to stand. You may think it’s gross, but so is having to wash tear gas out of your eyes. It was effective, and

Got any statistics to show that the protests are causing a rise in cases? Because NYC, Philly, and LA sure didn’t see any increases they could attribute to that.  It’s the going out to bars and getting drunk and not wearing a mask when you’re hanging out with 75 of your closest friends in an air conditioned bar that’s

You know you’re allowed to drink in places other than bars, right? Like in your house, or in your backyard, or, if you’re cool about it, a park.  It’s pretty nice, in fact!

I think his friends are ghosting him, is the issue. “Sorry man...uh, you know, coronavirus and shit.”

You can have a beer with your friends anytime they want.  Sounds to me like your friends just don’t want to hang out with you.

The first steps were taken long, long ago.  9/11 accelerated it.  We’re not seeing first steps, we’re seeing logical conclusions.

Please don’t let anyone here off the hook by calling it a clusterfuck- that implies that this was a “whoopsie daisy, sorry about your civil rights” instead of “fuck you, and fuck your rights, we’ll disappear you off the planet if we want.” And sure, other cities will sue. But you know what the feds will be doing while

This just sounds like 80's style pro-America propaganda, when we were making movies about overthrowing “dictators in small latin american countries” who were all “bad” because they “hated freedom”.

Absolutely guarantee that most of the folks doing the #supportgoya thing are ppl who think ginger ale is “too spicy”.

I never exagerate on the internet ;)

The northeast kingdom part of vermont is all twisty roads and no real highways, so something that’s 10 miles away as the crow flies can turn into a 3 hour drive. 

Since you’re in the industry- any truth to the notion that Quibi was also a way to be able to generate content while screwing over below the line folks by not paying union rates because of the length of the episodes or something to that effect?

OK I’ll bite, what “incredible things” has she done other than write some books.  

Do you think she’s completely unaware that she comes off like the villain in a movie about a dystopian future or is that the image she’s going for?

Go fuck your body pillow, it doesn’t care if you’re a sociopath without the ability to have empathy.  

Trump’s sort of a (hopefully) once in a lifetime event - he was able to ride a wave of racism, economic uncertainty, a palpable dislike among many people for Hillary Clinton, and get the support of a lot of more center leaning republicans because he was the nominee. He’s impossible to replicate though, no matter how

Trump’s appeal is mostly based in grievances.  While he has a non-zero number of supporters who love his policy decisions (tax breaks for the rich will always be popular with the rich, and with those who think they’ll be rich someday, even if they’re currently drawing a disability check), a lot of his appeal is