
Yes. $3 is much more reasonable. Please tell me how you’d be able to produce this for $3 on top of the cost of the shoe and get it to market.

I’m a doctor. I probably work way more than you as mandatory OT.

Also you sound like a huge baby that I would definitely pass over for a promotion.

You’re ignoring the following costs that need to be in the shoe:

A rider isn’t taking these impacts 50, 60 times a game.

Yes. You should max out your credit cards too.

These probably cost much more per pair to produce than every other single model though. And since they’d have to be positioned at the top end of the price range I think they’d probably not be able to actually raise more than if they were to get 10-20k per pair.

haha look at this hick.

Most implies more than 50%
You should come to Seattle. It’s quite nice.

Wow! I’m sure this will be new information to the researchers. You’ve got to get it to them stat! Also your investment advice is completely solid and I’ll listen to it!

Uh, they’ll go through tank armor, so I’m guessing “yes”

Yeah, a well optioned Miata near me is about 28k, whereas even if they tack on 5000 bucks worth of bloat to the US version this thing is only 19k.

Apple has been around since the 70’s, and had to get bailed out by Microsoft of all people.

Tesla has existed for like 10 years and has only in the past 5 released a mass product... and they’re at their break-even now. Their growth has been staggering compared to Apple’s.

Voice recognition is just a sequence of FFT’s and curve fitting. Same thing with biometric security. Just image processing algorithim layers on top of each other. sorry, not that impressive.

“A car person like myself” should probably buy a car purely on it’s maximum range and ignore driving dynamics, power/speed/handling, and emerging technologies.

Yeah. The grid is far more efficient than an ICU engine. FAR FAR more. like nearly triple the thermodynamic efficiency. It’s also far easier to scrub exhaust from a diesel power-plant than it is from an ICU tailpipe. Also places like the PNW get their power entirely from renewables (hydro). This argument is brought up

If you’re talking about tax incentives used to attract manufacturers, literally ANY large manufacturer gets those from the states they’re in. Also clearly you have no understanding of the corporate tax system.

Uh. Most of his fortune IS in Tesla. It’s not like he has 8 billion dollars in cash. It’s almost all certainly equities in the companies he owns.

0-60: Completely useful in everyday driving, highway on-ramp, highway passing, local road passing, etc...

Uh, tons of people know the Tesla X exists. What other car has gotten this many non-car people talking about a car? None. The public doesn’t care about new lamborghini’s and ferrari’s beyond the “oh look that person is rich!” Also the general public doesn’t know the difference between an M6 and a 3-series. They’re all

No one is cross shopping a Tesla X or a 911.

Also an R8, RANGE ROVER (Lmao) or 911? No one is cross-shopping those 3 things either.